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Elk Zone Status Trigger


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When creating an ISY program to trigger a light for a determined length of time when a zone is violated using the "Wait" command, the time set in the wait command will only countdown while the zone is violated.  Without creating an additional program,  I would like to Turn on the "Front Lights" when the "Front Door" is violated/not secure for 15 minuets with one program.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.


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Can you post your program and I will test it on my side? I don’t see why a “IF Zone X is triggered” “THEN turn on light” “WAIT X” “THEN turn off light” shouldn’t work. Not sure why you don’t want another program but you could have the first program to say IF zone is triggered enable program 2 (leaving it disabled) then turn on the light, use the wait command in that program and turn off the light. You will also have to disable the second program in the then section too.

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Hi.  Thanks for the info.  I will need 2 programs, I thought there may be a way to do it with one and I wasn't smart enough to figure it out.  I ended up triggering (closing) a phantom ELK output with the wait command when the door opens,  then an additional  program that turns off the lights when the state of the phantom relay opens.  

Thanks again for your help.

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