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Google home won't sync mobilinc


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My google home stopped controlling my lights etc.  I asked google home to "sync all devices". Says syncing device from ..., mobilinc connect, ... . After few seconds it tells the account owner needs to sync mobilinc connect.  How do I do that? Mobilinc app currently works fine.


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21 minutes ago, palayman said:

My google home stopped controlling my lights etc.  I asked google home to "sync all devices". Says syncing device from ..., mobilinc connect, ... . After few seconds it tells the account owner needs to sync mobilinc connect.  How do I do that? Mobilinc app currently works fine.


Started working again.  Not sure why it doesn't think I'm the account owner.

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Hi @palayman

I haven't heard that error message from Google Home before. Since it just started to work again, my guess is something on Google's end changed. If that happens again, reach out to me at support@mobilinc.com with your UUID so I can at least investigate our end to make sure your ISY is connected and responding to us.


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