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Polyglot Hubitat Elevation NodeServer


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This thread will be updated as development progresses.  Feedback is needed for continued development

ALPHA: Polyglot Hubitat Elevation NodeServer

Github:  https://github.com/simplextech/udi-hubitat-poly

This nodeserver provides device integration from the Hubitat hub to your ISY via Polyglot.  Current development just started umm (yesterday? 03/12/19) so please be patient.  The initial code has been pushed to github and is available for all to use and contribute to.

Currently supported/tested devices:

  • Hubitat Virtual Switch
  • Zooz ZEN15 Power Plug
  • Zooz/Dome ZSE09 Motion Sensor
  • Zooz ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor
  • Fibaro ZW5 Multi-Sensor
  • NYCE Motion Sensors - ZigBee

Device support roadmap:

Known Issues:

  • Device status on start is not always correct until the device updates.  I need to implement a query on startup.
  • Query function for all devices not implemented yet
  • Hub Management functions are not yet implemented (status/reboot) dependent on availability

This integration presents the devices from Hubitat to Polyglot via the Maker API Hubitat App.  This app allows devices to be queried and controlled via the REST interface.  The current implementation uses a combination of the REST interface for discovery of devices and a websocket connection for real-time status/updates of the devices.  The devices are then presented within the ISY for control/status use from the Admin Console or from programs.  

Please make device requests either via this post or via a request on the Github page.  If I have the device I can add support as time allows.  If I don't have the device then donations of devices or funds for devices to test with are always welcome!  Some funding may go towards beverages :)

Hubitat Elevation information




Eye Candy:




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Hi simplextech

was reading the tread over at HE about you polygot work sounds very promissing, but I was wondering what it would take to reverse it and have HE control ISY, as I love the setup in ISY with scenes, control over insteon ramp rates on levels writen to the devices, yet I love the simplicity that HE has on it rules engine, lock manager, control of other things like zigbee, sonos, ecobee, and well pretty much everything except Insteon :-(, I also like where sharpTools is going with there UI addon for HE as I want to build som wall con trolers, as i have tried the Insteon bridge that cwwilson08 has worked on and while it works it does require a 2245 hub and a RaspPi running the hombridge stuff, where i think having the ability to control and get status from ISY by/thru HE would be great as it would bring the best of both world into one.  Don't get me wrong I have been a fan of ISY for many years and have a home with 50+ insteon devices/sonos/ecobee/zigbee locks etc, and was a programmer many years ago, but as i get older, I like things simpiler and graphical rules/smart lighting which HE provides make it easier for me to envision stuff.

Is this something you may one day look at or be persuaded to attempt?



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41 minutes ago, mjohnson007 said:

Hi simplextech

was reading the tread over at HE about you polygot work sounds very promissing, but I was wondering what it would take to reverse it and have HE control ISY, as I love the setup in ISY with scenes, control over insteon ramp rates on levels writen to the devices, yet I love the simplicity that HE has on it rules engine, lock manager, control of other things like zigbee, sonos, ecobee, and well pretty much everything except Insteon :-(, I also like where sharpTools is going with there UI addon for HE as I want to build som wall con trolers, as i have tried the Insteon bridge that cwwilson08 has worked on and while it works it does require a 2245 hub and a RaspPi running the hombridge stuff, where i think having the ability to control and get status from ISY by/thru HE would be great as it would bring the best of both world into one.  Don't get me wrong I have been a fan of ISY for many years and have a home with 50+ insteon devices/sonos/ecobee/zigbee locks etc, and was a programmer many years ago, but as i get older, I like things simpiler and graphical rules/smart lighting which HE provides make it easier for me to envision stuff.

Is this something you may one day look at or be persuaded to attempt?



I've seen this request on the Hubitat community as well.  The current priorities are in prototyping this with ISY with hopeful full integration achievement.  Next inline will be a HomeSeer plugin for integration with Hubitat.  

I am giving thoughts to the ISY -> Hubitat integration as it should also be workable.  The limitations of the Hubitat development environment may pose to be a challenge but is still unknown at this time.  

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The Hubitat integration will bring two things currently not available with ISY today and possibly other things as well.  Of those are namely

  • Lutron Caseta Pro / RadioRA integration (could later be done as stand alone nodeserver.  I may look into this if nobody else does)
  • ZigBee ZHA device support

What ZigBee devices if any are of particular interest to people?

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 minutes ago, mjohnson007 said:

Yale Assure Lock Touchscreen Zigbee, as I know I could replace all the modules @$60 a pop with Zwave but with 6 locks thats alot of money, unless there is a better way then Hubitat to ISY

That's a lot of locks!  That's why I don't have any smart locks as I would need too many!

Options are: (Understanding this nodeserver is alpha and was not intended for nodeserver store release just yet)

  • get a hub and setup the lock in the hub and then send me the device data to add support to the nodeserver
  • get a hub add support yourself
  • find someone else with a hub + lock to provide the device data needed to add support
  • send me a lock to test with and add support
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2019 at 10:14 PM, simplextech said:

The Hubitat integration will bring two things currently not available with ISY today and possibly other things as well.  Of those are namely

  • Lutron Caseta Pro / RadioRA integration (could later be done as stand alone nodeserver.  I may look into this if nobody else does)
  • ZigBee ZHA device support

What ZigBee devices if any are of particular interest to people?

Definitively HUE. They are adding products every day, the quality is exceptional. Whats needed is a very solid and reliable handle of HUE devices and sensors and interaction with ISY.

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On 4/9/2019 at 4:18 PM, Adolfo said:

Definitively HUE. They are adding products every day, the quality is exceptional. Whats needed is a very solid and reliable handle of HUE devices and sensors and interaction with ISY.

Hue lighting is ZLL (Zigbee Light Link) and works best with the Hue bridge.  There is a nodeserver for that.  However the lights can also be paired directly as Zigbee ZHA devices but some of the features and firmware update capabilities are lost.  The Hue accessories (motion, switches) are Zigbee ZHA devices are according to Hubitat are compatible/supported.  If it is supported by Hubitat it can work with this nodeserver with adjustments of being added as a nodetype which is a rather simple process.  

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I'll see about putting together a screen-shot walk through but the steps are 

Starting from main/home page:

  • Apps
  • -> Top right - Add Built-in App
  • Select Maker API from the list
  • Ensure Allow Access via Local IP Address
  • Click Done
  • In the Apps List click Maker API
  • Verify your local setup
  • Click the box for "Allow Endpoint to Control These Devices" - Select your devices you want to control from ISY
  • Scroll down and you'll see "Endpoints" and and Links for the URL's:
  • You want the "Get All Devices with Full Details" url
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6 hours ago, Adolfo said:

Here I have another question. I have added 5 Groups and 25 Hue Devices, but the Hue sensor is not listed. Where can I find it to add it?

Thank You

I'm not sure I understand what/where you added things to....

When you add a device to Hubitat if it's one of the supported devices (which is not everything but is growing) then you MUST ALSO go to the Maker API app and select those devices to be presented through Maker API.  Once that is done you will then have to restart the nodeserver to re-read the Hubitat information.  Any supported devices should automatically create new node entries in the ISY Admin Console for those devices.

BTW - Hue bridge/lights are supported via Hubitat Hue app.  Hue Sensors/Switches etc are NOT supported via the Hue bridge by Hubitat and must be paired directly to Hubitat NOT the Hue bridge for them to work with Hubitat.  

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Thank you for following up here.

I have Hue app and Bridge working perfectly with about 25 devices and 5 groups + 2 sensors.

I added the "Hue Bridge Integration" where you see Devices ( lights, not sensors as you said not working at this time ) and the Hue Bridge.

Then I followed your steps and added Maker Api and  copied the " Get All Devices with Full Details" url to the polyglot Node.

Now, on ISY944 I just have "Hubitat" but no lights or groups. 




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57 minutes ago, Adolfo said:

Thank you for following up here.

I have Hue app and Bridge working perfectly with about 25 devices and 5 groups + 2 sensors.

I added the "Hue Bridge Integration" where you see Devices ( lights, not sensors as you said not working at this time ) and the Hue Bridge.

Then I followed your steps and added Maker Api and  copied the " Get All Devices with Full Details" url to the polyglot Node.

Now, on ISY944 I just have "Hubitat" but no lights or groups. 




Sensors will never be supported via the Hue bridge integration.  This is per Hubitat.  Just an FYI.

Did you go into Maker API and select the Hue Bridge and Lights that you want exposed to the nodeserver via Maker API?  Here's a sample screenshot of a Maker API configuration page showing my test devices and Hue lights


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11 hours ago, RRoyceus said:

I am stuck at the same place.  I see Hubitat in my ISY.  I add a generic Zigbee bulb in Hubitat.  I restarted my Rapberry Pi.  In the Maker API, it is listed in the select devices, but I cannot see it in the ISY.

Not all devices are supported.  I don't have any generic Zigbee bulbs... so those are not tested added yet :)

If you have devices you find that aren't working send me the output of your Maker API URL so the device types can be added.  Or feel free to fork the code and add them and send a PR.

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3 hours ago, simplextech said:

Changes were made.  Please update and provide information/feedback as I don't have any generic Zigbee bulbs.  What bulb are you using BTW?

Thank you!  That was quick.  The bulb is a Sengled model E11-G13.  I will let you know if I get it working.

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