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Difficulty Getting 2852-222 Leaks Sensors Working

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I have a leak sensor which has worked for a couple of years and successfully notified me recently when my AC unit overflowed water.  Resetting it also worked fine.  My ISY is on 4.7.3.  In the ISY it shows ON & OFF as the status of the Dry/Wet.  The Heartbeat shows ON.

Recently I decided to install a leak sensor I had on the shelf (rev 2.3) and bought 2 new ones (rev 3.0).  I have been able to successfully add all three of them using the manual process and monitored the add using the Event Viewer.  Communications appeared what one would expect.  Once added all show the water droplet next to them in the ISY Admin menu.  However none of them ever show status of ON/OFF or get a heartbeat even after days.  Pressing the button on the leak sensor does not generate any network traffic in the event viewer.  Putting them on a wet towel also shows nothing in the Event viewer Device Communication page

So the existing one works fine.  What am I missing regarding getting the new 3 new ones active?

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