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Door Sensor Phantom program activation

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[edited for clarity]

I have an existing installation and things are working as expected with one exception. About 1 month ago, one of my programs started running unexpectedly. The trigger for the program is a door sensor (2843-222) so took the the following escalating steps:

  1. Replaced battery
  2. Replaced Sensor
  3. Replaced PLM (it was about 2 years old, that has been the effective lifespan for me)

At this point I realize that the log show the events of the program running, but there is no entry in the log from the sensor itself. When the sensor is triggered by a gate opening, the program works as expected. 

Another note, the problem occurs between 6am and 7am nearly everyday (often same time within seconds on consecutive days), but some days it doesn't happen. 

Any ideas on what to try to do to isolate problem?

Thanks for reading.



Log Entries at time of event:

Outside / Front Porch Main Status 100% Sat 2019/08/24 07:01:11 System Log
Main House / Keypads / Front Door Status 100% Sat 2019/08/24 07:01:12 System Log
Main House / Keypads / Back Door Main Status 100% Sat 2019/08/24 07:01:12 System Log

Program that triggers on event

North Gate Quiet (Gate) - [ID 0037][Parent 003C]

        Control 'North Gate Sensor-Opened' is switched On
    And $Gate_Prog_Running is 0
        Run Program '_North Gate Quiet (Gate)' (If)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Action run by above program

_North Gate Quiet (Gate) - [ID 003D][Parent 0041]

        Status  'North Gate Sensor-Opened' is On
    And Status  'Outside / South Lights' is Off
    And From    Sunset  - 30 minutes
        To      Sunrise + 30 minutes (next day)
        $Gate_Prog_Running  = 1
        Send Notification to 'Text' content '!North Gate - Gate(Q)'
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Main' Fast On
        Set 'Outside / South Lights' Fast On
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Shed' Fast On
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Front Door' Fast On
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Back Door Main' Fast On
        Wait  30 seconds
        Set 'Outside / South Lights' 25%
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Shed' 25%
        Wait  60 seconds
        Set 'Outside / South Lights' Off
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Shed' Off
        Set 'Outside / Back Porch Shed' Off
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Front Door' Off
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Main' Off
        $Gate_Prog_Running  = 0
        $Gate_Prog_Running  = 1
        Send Notification to 'Text' content '!North Gate - Gate(Q)'
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Main' Fast On
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Front Door' Fast On
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Back Door Main' Fast On
        Wait  30 seconds
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Front Door' 25%
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Back Door Main' 25%
        Wait  60 seconds
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Front Door' Off
        Set 'Main House / Keypads / Back Door Main' Off
        Set 'Outside / Front Porch Main' Fast Off
        $Gate_Prog_Running  = 0



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HI - I guess this is an unusual situation. Let me distill the facts a bit to see if it matches anyone else's experience. I'm not even sure what to do to troubleshoot, so any suggestions are welcome.

The _North Gate Quiet (Gate) program is running unexpectedly. When it runs, there is no triggering event - the only trigger assigned to the program is "'North Gate Sensor-Opened' is On", and I do not see that device as having a change in status at the time of the event. 

When the "'North Gate Sensor-Opened' is switched ON by the gate opening, the program runs as expected and the log has an entry in it showing:

North Gate Sensor-Opened Status 100% Sat 2019/08/17 11:30:50 System Log

 Any ideas on possible next steps for troubleshooting.


Thanks all,



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The "Action" is disabled (labeled above "Action run by above program"). The "Timer" is not (labeled above "Program that triggers on event"). I've attached a screenshot.


Seemingly relevant is that I have three other sensors that run identical Event/Action programs correctly, and that this one was working as expected for about a year, until last week.


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I'm not sure what action/timer enabling you are referring to.

See the enabled checkbox in the lower right?  Typically programs called by others should be disabled so they don't fire unexpectedly.  At sunset-30 and sunrise+30 the program will run one branch at least. If all other conditions are negative then the else branch will run. If not the then will run. 



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