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On Level?


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Is it possible to choose the On Level (of a dimmer) only during a certain time of the day? The best I can think of so far is this:


       From    11:00:00PM
       To       5:00:00AM (next day)
   And Control '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' is switched On

       Set '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' 40%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


But that program does not achieve what I want, because the load starts at 100 % and the goes down to 40%. Can my dimmer start directly at 40%?

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Is it possible to choose the On Level (of a dimmer) only during a certain time of the day? The best I can think of so far is this:


       From    11:00:00PM
       To       5:00:00AM (next day)
   And Control '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' is switched On

       Set '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' 40%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


But that program does not achieve what I want, because the load starts at 100 % and the goes down to 40%. Can my dimmer start directly at 40%?


Yes, but you'd need to reverse the logic.


Go back to the MAIN tab, select 0E.3A.00.1/SDB in the device list and set its On Level (Applied Locally) to 40%. Now go to the device and pull out the set button to remove power. Count to 30. Now push the set button back in flush (don't push in, just flush with the faceplate). Test the button--pressing it once should now turn the light on to 40%.


Now change your program:


       From    5:00:00AM
       To       11:00:00PM (same day)
   And Control '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' is switched On

       Set '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' 100%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


You can also still adjust the lamp no matter what the time of day. At night, you can still double-tap to turn on to 100%, and you can always press and hold to brighten or dim.

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Another possible way to have the light to come on at 40% (or what ever level) locally applied during a certain time period in the day or night is to use the “Adjust Scene†option in the program. I have used this method in a number of different areas and it has worked great.


As an example:


Program: MB Sink Lites 40%


       From     10:00:00PM
       To       6:45:00AM (next day)

       In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 40% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The “Adjust Scene†selection is found by pressing “Action†button, then in the drop down menu select “Adjust Scene.â€


Select the device you want to adjust the “Local On†level for.


Next select the device again and select what on level you want for the device.


You can even change “Ramp Rate†in the same fashion.


If you want the lights to revert back to 100% (or whatever level, ramp rate) the rest of the time just create another program such as


Program: MB Sink Lights 80%


       From     6:45:00AM
       To       10:00:00PM (same day)

       In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 80% (On Level)
       In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 8.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Another nice feature is say the lights are on at 40% (or 80%), another tap of the switch and the lights will turn on to 100%. Another tap and they are back to 40% (or 80%).



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Hi guys,


Thanks for pitching in on the holiday.


If the device is a switch with a load then Tom's way has to be used. If the device is a KPL then the local level can be changed without a reset of the switch and Tim's method will work.


I use an Off/Off program to set lights to a low level using a SwitchLinc with a load connected.


       Control 'Basement Stairs' is switched Off
   And Status  'Basement Stairs' is Off

       Set Scene 'Basement Stairs Low' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


It didn't take long to get used to pressing Off instead of On. The next Off press turns the lights Off as expected.


Have a great Independence Day!



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I tried fitzpatri8's way and it works. But there is a slight delay (a little over 1s) before the load goes up to full brightness, even though the ramp rate [applied locally] is set at 0.1s (but I guess it doesn't apply here, right?).


Maybe this delay is normal because I had a similar delay with the program I mentioned in my original post.


Is it odd that I don't have the option to go to a 100%? The drop-down list seems to stop at 99%. There is probably no noticeable difference between 99 and a 100, so it's not a big deal. But theoretically, I think that using "Set '0E.3A.00.1/SDB' Fast On" would put the load at a 100%.


TJF1960's way now... For starters, I set the On Level [applied locally] back to a 100% because I had changed it to test fitzpatri8's suggestion. But this "Adjust Scene" program does not work for me. I really don't know why. I even tried it on 3 different dimmers. Could I be doing something wrong?


I have to say that I never would have thought of doing it this way because 0E.3A.00.1/SDB is a device, not a scene.




What's the content of your Scene "Basement Stairs Low"? I understand that your dimmer is off and that when you press off, it actually goes on to a low level.


That's probably not the way I'm going to go with this switch (my friends and relatives would go crazy! and I'd be laughing my a** off), but I'm glad you showed me a different logic to doing it.

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I tried fitzpatri8's way and it works. But there is a slight delay (a little over 1s) before the load goes up to full brightness, even though the ramp rate [applied locally] is set at 0.1s (but I guess it doesn't apply here, right?).


Maybe this delay is normal because I had a similar delay with the program I mentioned in my original post.


.1 ramp rate? Why? I only use faston and .1 ramp rates for exterior security lighting, where the intent is to shock. Indoors, a slower rate sets a more relaxed mood and also seems to make the bulbs last longer.


Programs won't be as fast as scenes, since there's both processing time and at least 2x as many messages being passed back & forth.

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TJF1960's way now... For starters, I set the On Level [applied locally] back to a 100% because I had changed it to test fitzpatri8's suggestion. But this "Adjust Scene" program does not work for me. I really don't know why. I even tried it on 3 different dimmers. Could I be doing something wrong?


I have to say that I never would have thought of doing it this way because 0E.3A.00.1/SDB is a device, not a scene.



Hello Traditore,


I think I may know why it didn’t work for you. I had the hardest time figuring out how to use this feature a couple of weeks ago. But once I did the 4 devices I set up utilizing the “adjust scene†have been working flawlessly.


I realized after your last post that I failed to mention that the device has to be in a scene (even if it is the only device in the scene) and it has to be set up as a controller not a responder in that scene.

The second point I failed to emphasize is that you have to select the device not the scene the device is in from the drop down menu in the “Adjust Scene†section of the program.


I just set up a new dimmer, linked it to the ISY, created a scene with the dimmer as the only device (linked as a controller when asked) then set up the program selecting the device, not the scene, and setting the on level.


Here are the 3 programs I just tested and each one adjusted the on level of the new device (locally applied) properly and at the specified times:


       From    12:42:00PM
       To      12:44:00PM (same day)

       In Scene '' Set '' 50% (On Level)

-	No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

       From    12:47:00PM
       To      12:49:00PM (same day)

       In Scene '' Set '' 1% (On Level)

-	No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

       From    12:49:00PM
       To      12:51:00PM (same day)

       In Scene '' Set '' 100% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Once I set it all up as described it worked perfectly.


When you get the time I hope you will try it again. I think it will work great for your application.


I am sorry I wasn’t more explicit on the 2 key points (they say the mind is the first thing to go!!).



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.1 ramp rate? Why? I only use faston and .1 ramp rates for exterior security lighting, where the intent is to shock. Indoors, a slower rate sets a more relaxed mood and also seems to make the bulbs last longer.

No reason, I guess. I'll consider using a slower ramp rate once most of my stuff is installed. Fine-tuning is kinda low on my list of priorities right now.


Programs won't be as fast as scenes, since there's both processing time and at least 2x as many messages being passed back & forth.

That's what I thought, but I just wanted to make sure that it's normal ISY/Insteon behavior. Now, I'm gonna see if I can get Tim's method to work.

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I realized after your last post that I failed to mention that the device has to be in a scene (even if it is the only device in the scene) and it has to be set up as a controller not a responder in that scene.

The second point I failed to emphasize is that you have to select the device not the scene the device is in from the drop down menu in the “Adjust Scene†section of the program.


I just set up a new dimmer, linked it to the ISY, created a scene with the dimmer as the only device (linked as a controller when asked) then set up the program selecting the device, not the scene, and setting the on level.


I did just the same and it doesn't work.


       From     5:00:00AM
       To      11:59:00PM (same day)

       In Scene '0E.3A.00.1' Set '0E.3A.00.1' 30% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


My dimmer 0E.3A.00.1 is part of a test scene as a controller (there are no responders) and is not linked to any other device, nor is it part of another program. I'm just baffled.

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Wow. I am baffled as well.


My ISY version is 2.7.5, I don’t know if earlier versions worked the same or not. The dimmer switches are v.37 again, not sure if earlier versions worked the same.


The only other thing I can think of is the selection of the device from the drop down menu in “Adjust Scene.†The devices (with the little device icons) are listed towards the top of the drop down menu while all the scenes (with the little scene icons) are listed towards the bottom. You selected the device icon for the dimmer, not the scene icon, right?

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One last thing, I noticed the program you posted had start time of 5:00AM. Was the program created and saved before that time, or after creating and saving did you "Run If" in the program summary tab? Otherwise the program wouldn’t run until that time came around.



I did just the same and it doesn't work.


       From     5:00:00AM
       To      11:59:00PM (same day)

       In Scene '0E.3A.00.1' Set '0E.3A.00.1' 30% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


My dimmer 0E.3A.00.1 is part of a test scene as a controller (there are no responders) and is not linked to any other device, nor is it part of another program. I'm just baffled.

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Well, that must have been the time that was wrong because the new program I just created works. Even better than before because the load does not go up to a 100% before going down to the lower On Level. Thanks for you patience, Tim. I hope I'll remember this Adjust Scene stuff later on.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Feeling kind of dumb here

I have a scene that includes a number of lights (several lights in the kitchen)

One of the lights is the overhead and I would like it to come @ less than full brightness

Load for the light is a Keypad switch; A switchlink dimmer is the controller of the scene (not connected to load)


On the dropdown list, I have a limited number of devices to choose from (don't know why) but the Switchlink dimmer that is controller for the scene is in the list. So I chose that for scene (even thought it isn't one);

now I need to choose the device

I tried the KeypadSwitch which is the 'load' for the light of interest, no go, it comes on full bright.

I tried the switchlink, also doesn't work; but since the switchlink controls several lights in the scene, I don't know how that would work since I want only the overhead light to come on at the lower level.


I hope this isn't too rambly, I am baffled.


Also, in the example programs the actual address is shown; how do you get that to happen?


Thanks for your patience

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Hi Gene,


You should not be looking at Adjust Scene for what you desire. You should be able to set up the scene as you desire in the Main panel.


Please adjust the Levels and Ramp Rates of every device in the scene to your desired values. Note the Ramp Rates cannot be emulated in real time, only the levels.


Turn the scene On and Off a few times to see if it fits your needs and make changes as desired. This will use the Ramp Rates specified.


When this is done select the SwitchLinc Dimmer as a controller within the scene and click the Copy Scene Attributes From xxx.


After the ISY goes through it's gyrations to write the new values you should be able to see the results when you press the switch.




Feeling kind of dumb here

I have a scene that includes a number of lights (several lights in the kitchen)

One of the lights is the overhead and I would like it to come @ less than full brightness

Load for the light is a Keypad switch; A switchlink dimmer is the controller of the scene (not connected to load)


On the dropdown list, I have a limited number of devices to choose from (don't know why) but the Switchlink dimmer that is controller for the scene is in the list. So I chose that for scene (even thought it isn't one);

now I need to choose the device

I tried the KeypadSwitch which is the 'load' for the light of interest, no go, it comes on full bright.

I tried the switchlink, also doesn't work; but since the switchlink controls several lights in the scene, I don't know how that would work since I want only the overhead light to come on at the lower level.


I hope this isn't too rambly, I am baffled.


Also, in the example programs the actual address is shown; how do you get that to happen?


Thanks for your patience


The address is shown in the example because the device hasn't been renamed.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I tried fitzpatri8 method last night and it worked but there was a pause going from the 50% to 100%. :( I've got the ramp rate set at .5, I guess I could set it to the 2.0 sec and see if the pause is less noticable or not even there.

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I had a question, I am using this program for testing (from your own example);


       From    10:28:00PM
       To      10:30:00PM (same day)

       In Scene 'Dining Room Ramp Rate Scene' Set 'Dining Room: Light' 50% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


My dining room light is the only device in the scene & it is a controller. When 10:28 comes & I run the scene in the ISY, it does work as expected, but if I goto the switch locally, it does not work that way.


Any ideas why it works in the ISY but not locally?


I did not airgap the switch as I am hoping I wont need to (as it sort of sounds that way in your response).





Another possible way to have the light to come on at 40% (or what ever level) locally applied during a certain time period in the day or night is to use the “Adjust Scene†option in the program.

As an example:


Program: MB Sink Lites 40%


       From     10:00:00PM
       To       6:45:00AM (next day)

       In Scene 'MB Bath Sink Lites' Set 'MB Bath Sink Lites' 40% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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Hi Rich,


In the example it looks like you had selected the scene in the “In Scene†drop down box instead of the device in that scene.


       From    10:28:00PM 
       To      10:30:00PM (same day) 

       In Scene 'Dining Room Ramp Rate Scene' Set 'Dining Room: Light' 50% (On Level) 

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

By selecting the scene you are adjusting the device in the scene, but it has no affect on the local level of the device.


To change the local on level of the SL device you will want to select that SL device from the drop down box in the “In Scene†selection. Try changing it to:


       From    10:28:00PM 
       To      10:30:00PM (same day) 

       In Scene 'Dining Room: Light ' Set 'Dining Room: Light' 50% (On Level) 

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

You can also adjust the ramp rate in the same program if you wish. To adjust the ramp rate select the same device as in adjusting the on level. Then in the drop down menu for the device scroll down past all of the on levels and select the ramp rate level you desire.


       From    10:28:00PM 
       To      10:30:00PM (same day) 

       In Scene 'Dining Room: Light ' Set 'Dining Room: Light' 50% (On Level) 
       In Scene 'Dining Room: Light ' Set 'Dining Room: Light' 4.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


As a side note, I have used fairly new SL and Icon dimmers (purchased around June of last year and newer) with this and have not had to air gap the switches after the program runs.



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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I swapped my program this:


       From     8:44:00AM
       To       8:49:00AM (same day)

       In Scene 'Dining Room: Light' Set 'Dining Room: Light' 50% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


What happens is that at 8:44, it does change the written on level to 50% in the ISY. Unfortunately on the local switch it still goes 100% on. If I click "on" in the ISY, the light does only go on to 50%.


One thing I dont understand logically (I would like to know) is why did I make a new scene called Dining Room Ramp & add the dining room device to it? I dont seem to be using it.




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Hey Rich,


Is Dining Room: Light the name of your device or is it a scene?


If the device you want to "Adjust Scene" to is already in a scene, then you don’t have to create a new scene in order to adjust its local level/ramp rates by program. But if the device isn’t in a scene already, you will not find it listed in the drop down menu (at least that is the way it was for me in 2.7.5 and it is still that way for me in 2.7.6). By adding the device into a scene, at least once, the device then will be available in the drop down menu.


By the way, if you go to the main device page and select the device you are changing the local levels to (not the scenes but the actual device), when the program runs and changes the local on/ramp levels you should see the local device settings change automatically. If you don’t then either the program isn’t running as it should (does it turn true) or then try air gapping the switch and see if that helps.



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  • 6 months later...
Am I completely missing something?

I have SL Dimmers and I can only see "on" in my program action options. There doesn't seem to be a way to set an "On Level"?

V38 & 2.7.12


Not quite sure. I checked my SL dimmers which are v.36 and I still have the all of the on level selections. I wonder if the v.38 are fully supported in 2.7.12?


Michel will have to answer that one.

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Hello io_guy,


If you added the switches when using older firmware you will have to remove them and add them back.




Am I completely missing something?

I have SL Dimmers and I can only see "on" in my program action options. There doesn't seem to be a way to set an "On Level"?

V38 & 2.7.12

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