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Power Supply for the ISY


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My power supply for the ISY has failed today. The green light is dim on it and keeps turning on and off. The ISY is not getting any power. 

I close on my house this week and everything has to be in working order so I need to replace it ASAP. 

I borrowed a friends power supply for their ISY but it is different. 

The one that I have which failed is unbranded and has a Model# HRS050050
Input 100-240V 50/60Hz
Output: 5V 500mA

The one he gave me says TP_Link Model# T090060-2B1
Output 9V .6A

I think he may have given me the wrong supply? Or can the ISY take a range of input voltage?

I'm also not sure of the tip polarity of the connection or the exact size of it. Anybody know where I can get a replacement?



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