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Failed to add device, reason 1

Rob Devlin

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I've been searching all around and cannot figure out what "reason 1" is for failing to add a device.  It would seem that I have hit some limit for total number of devices, but when looking at other users' setups I'm nowhere close.  If I delete a device from ISY, I can add another.  It seems as if I've hit a limit somehow, but I can't figure out how to get past it.

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What is the device you are attempting to add? What is the version of your ISY firmware and UI? What model ISY do you have? How many devices do have in your ISY? Providing this information will help others identify your problem.

Here's a list of error codes.

Error Codes


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I had the same issue a couple of years ago and resolved it the same way, i.e., deleting an unused device and adding the new one. This got a bit tedious, so I upgraded to pro, and haven't had the issue since. I think I was under by de ice count, but may have been pushing it by node count. I find it was money well spent upgrading to pro. if you are already using pro, I have no other solution.

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  • 1 year later...

I was seeing Error 1 when trying to add an Open/Close Sensor 2843-222. I have about 100 Insteon devices connected to my ISY. Paying the $30 to upgrade to the Pro version by purchasing the software module, installing, and rebooting solved my issue. Perhaps it is a bug in counting devices?

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12 hours ago, leecast said:

I was seeing Error 1 when trying to add an Open/Close Sensor 2843-222. I have about 100 Insteon devices connected to my ISY. Paying the $30 to upgrade to the Pro version by purchasing the software module, installing, and rebooting solved my issue. Perhaps it is a bug in counting devices?

The node count includes Insteon Devices, Z-wave nodes, Scenes, Node Server Nodes, and Folders.  My guess would be that you weren't counting something.

If you're on Version 5 and have polyglot there is a nodeserver named ISY Inventory that does the counting for you.

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13 hours ago, leecast said:

I was seeing Error 1 when trying to add an Open/Close Sensor 2843-222. I have about 100 Insteon devices connected to my ISY. Paying the $30 to upgrade to the Pro version by purchasing the software module, installing, and rebooting solved my issue. Perhaps it is a bug in counting devices?

No bug. In addition to what @MrBillsaid, different insteon devices also have different counts. A lol for example would count for 8 devices just like a dual outlet would be 2. 

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