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Are there plans to support Folders in the near-term?


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The subject really says it all. I have upgraded my ISY 99i/IR PRO to the beta 2.7.6 release, and am happily putting my devices in folders. The folders don't seem to show up in iLinc, even after I re-sync. Will iLinc be supporting folders any time soon? Folders are a wonderful enhancement to ISY, and allows me to rename my devices to take out the "room" details in my rather complicated naming convention (e.g., Lmp.MstrBdrm.His; SwL.MstrBath.Vanity).

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Hi ResIpsa,


Yes, folder support in the new beta firmware is a very welcome feature.


iLinc certaintly will be supporting this feature but must have it's XML parsing code updated to support this. Since this feature is only available in the latest beta firmware release it is still subject to modification. Rather then tweaking the iLinc code with each Beta release my plan is to support this feature once the firmware is official.



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