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Permanently Deleting Devices from iLinc


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I really like that I can "delete" devices from iLinc so that they don't show up in iLinc's device list. What I don't like is that they all come back every time I sync iLinc with my ISY. If I make any sort of change to my network (which happens a lot, as I'm always trying different things), I resync iLinc, and then have to re-delete the numerous devices I don't want appearing (e.g., IRLinc buttons). Would it be possible for a future version to remember which devices I've deleted, unless I tell it to resync all?

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Hi ResIpsa,


I like the idea of having an option to restore devices or simply download new devices to iLinc. I'll have to look into how I'd re-write that section of code to support this. I'll add this to the feature list.


Thanks for the suggestion,


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I think the following idea would satisfy ResIpsa's desire (which I share). You create a list of hidden devices in the app, and this list does not get modified by syncing with the ISY. If this list has, for example, 07.A3.F2.5 in it, then this group address (the 5th button on a KPL) won't show in the device list. If the list has 07.A3.F2.* (or .0), then all channels will be hidden for 07.A3.F2. Finally, this list would be accessible via the settings tab, in case the user changes his mind and wants to return a device or channel to the viewing list.

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Hi mozman,


Currently this list of deleted devices is internal to iLinc. I could bring this list out in some way as you suggested. I'll play around with different ideas and see if something like this makes sense and I can integrate it into a future release.


Thanks for the suggestion!


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Thanks for all of your attention to your users - it seems to be part of the ISY experience.


As for the deleted devices list, the most important thing is to preserve this list through a sync with the ISY, at least as an option. Allowing user access to the list would be nice, but preservation through the ISY sync is crucial.


BTW, iLinc freezes during a sync (about 15 seconds for my network); I suggest a splash screen that tells the user that the sync is taking place (preferably with a progress thermometer).

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Hi mozman,


You are welcome! I'm just trying to keep up with the stellar support from the Universal Devices team.


I understand the need to preserve the list through syncs. I've got that on my feature list and am working it. The most likely solution I'm working toward will be to ask the user if they want to preserve the deleted list. I'll look into presenting the deleted list to the user to modify, but this may be put off to a future release.


Thanks for the suggestion of adding a splash screen or progress indicator during syncing. I'll add it to the feature request list.




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