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New User - Can't login after setting fixed IP


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Hey folks, I just received my Polisy Pro today and started the process of setting it up. I DID encounter many of the same setup issues that have already been reported here, but managed to get it to the point where I could log-in reliably.

Then I decided to setup a Fixed IP address via the Polyglot UI. After restarting, I can NO LONGER LOG IN. I've tried everything, but the unit simply will not respond. Oddly enough, it seems as though the changes I made to the network settings didn't take because my network controller (Ubiquiti UNIFI) still shows the original address that was created via DHCP.

I tried hitting the reset button on the unit several times (I'm assuming this is a hard-reset to default settings), but NO LUCK. When I type the IP address for the Polisy unit, the browser just times out and nothing loads. I've tried several browsers, and even used Putty to try and ssh!

PLEASE HELP because at the moment this thing feel like it's been "Bricked"


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And when dbuss typed that address, he meant the WHOLE THING!   Start with the "https" and end with the 443 -- it's easy to fall into the trap of typing in just the numbers, and ASSUMING that the browser understands that you mean a local address, but browsers DON'T do that ANYMORE!  Makes me crazy -- but browsers like chrome will send a perfectly valid IP address to the google search engine rather than use it as a local URL! 

So, type the ENTIRE address.  Starting with "https:" -- even though when you connect, the browser will cut off that prefix!

(From the excessive use of capitalization above, you can probably guess that this treatment of user-input by browsers is a pet peeve of mine... and the experiences of many who are struggling to find their Polisy's on their network proves why this so-called browser "feature" should be considered bug by Google and Microsoft... but those companies are too big to care, so we end users get to struggle when our needs conflict with their attempts to drive more traffic to their search engines.)

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Thanks guys...

As a follow up, I DID see a similar post from gviliunas where he was able to get back into the device by opening up the case and removing the wireless card.

Seems like a quite extreme measure to take just to be able to log back into the device. As I said to him in the thread, this product feels like it needed to "bake" a little longer before release. I am fine to be on the bleeding edge and tinker, but I didn't realize this product was in that category.

In any case, I am able to log in again, so thanks to everyone for their collective help!


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  • 1 month later...

I have exactly the same issue - after changing to a fixed IP I cannot access polisy anymore.

Tried resetting everything -router etc.

I am reluctant to open the device and remove a card.

I also tried to factory reset:

I found that pushing the reset button in the front for about 30 sec should do the trick.

When I push the reset button polisy beeps twice and when I release the button it beeps twice as well.

But as far as I can tell nothing was reset.

Not sure what I am doing wrong?



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OK - I think I realized what I did,


Originally I had version 2.2.8 on my polisy and the configuration page has all for network interfaces under the same manu:



Naively, I changed wlan0 to a static IP my router had assigned to the polisy not realizing the wlan0 is the wifi card and igb0 (which is the actual Ethernet port) was still on DHCP.

This will off course create some confusion in polisy if I want to connect to the same IP address.

I ended up taking out the wifi card (which is actually quite easy and it is enough to just disconnect it for the time being and leave the antennas connected).

After starting up polisy I could reconnect to polisy using my original IP address assigned by the router.

I updated through ssh which brought polisy to v 2.2.9-5

I then logged into the UI and changed igb0 to an unused static IP address. Logged in via this new IP address to make sure everything still works and shut the polisy down.

I reconnected the wifi card and booted back up.

Logging in via the static IP address assigned earlier I now could chance the configuration of wlan0 (wifi) back to DHCP.

To make sure restarted on more time.

At the end I also reset igb0 to DHCP and reserved the IP my router assigned through DHCP reservation in the router.

Now everything works just fine.

Not sure why I could not factory reset the device - for the moment I will not try......


Hope this will be helpful



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