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I/O Link resets trigger-off checkbox during power loss


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Hey all,


I installed the I/O Link garage door kit on both garage doors this past weekend. It seems I am running into trouble every few days when we have a power loss to the I/O link outlets (we are doing construction on the house and frequently powering off various breakers). Specifically, the I/O link is retaining the necessary "Momentary: A" checkbox, but the "Trigger Off" checkbox is defaulting to 'unchecked' position upon restoration of power. This is messing up my programming, which was in accordance with the I/O Link Garage Door Kit Instructions and the UDI Wiki Page directions, i.e., the lights on the KPL are backwards and I immediately now know what is causing it - - - the "Trigger Off" needs to be re-check boxed again (and usually there was a power loss I believe prior to every instance of this occuring).


Both I/O Links are Model 2450 v.33 per the ISY Network HTML page. Both are newly purchased from Smarthome.


I believe I have a workaround. The UDI Wiki page speaks of the following text:



If you wired the sensor according to the directions provided with the kit, you used the black and green wires from the reed switch. These are the normally open leads from the sensor. If you sensor is normally open then you need to enable the Trigger Off option in the I/O Linc options dialog to make it behave as if it was a normally closed sensor. Be sure the Relay is set to Momentary: A as this allows the relay to return to the off state after it triggers the garage door opener (after the Timeout). Without this, you may lose the ability to control the door locally since the garage door button is essentially being held down by the relay.


see: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... e_Door_Kit




So, what if i just use the "Normally Closed" leads on the sensor. This would then require that I never check the "Trigger Off" box, right? In essence, it would be the 'opposite' and therefore Trigger Off is never checked, right? So, upon power loss it would power up in a ready state.


Here is my question: What color are the Normally Closed Leads? Is it the Black and Red, Green and Red, or Red and Black leads on the sensor? (My sensor is already installed and, while the leads are defined on the back, it will be too much of a pain to remove the sensor now and, of course, I threw out the directions).


Anyone noticing this I/O Link behavior?



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Hi Adam,


I can tell you for sure the trigger off reset problem is in the IO link and Steve L. from SH is working on it. He seems to think in a few days they will have it figured out. By the way Steve is the man to talk to with any technical problems to do with Insteon. He has gone to great lengths to help me with some issues I have had in the past. Very nice guy, and very helpful.


What I cannot comment on is the color code for the contact switch since I didn’t order that particular kit. I am sure someone here will be able to answer that for you though.

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For the record, I don't recommend using the Trigger Off function for something like a garage door. As is, even if the Trigger Off sticks if you ever query the I/OLinc it will report the true state of the sensor - not the reverse logic desired by setting the Trigger Off option.


I recommend using a Normally Closed sensor instead.

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From the owner's manual of (likely) what you have from the smarthome kit:




SM-226L-3: N.O./N.C. Contacts with ABS plastic Magnet

Housing and "L" Bracket Magnet Mounting.


SM-226R-3: N.O./N.C. Contacts with Round-backed Aluminum

Magnet Housing.


ALARM CIRCUIT: Three-wire N.O./N.C. Contact for either

closed or open circuit alarm systems. Simply connect the green

(N.O.) and black (common) wires for closed circuit systems or

the red (N.C.) and black wires for open circuit systems.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Thank you! Hey can you post in this thread if you have any updated news regarding an RMA for a new I/O Link with upgraded firmware? I assume it must be an RMA and its not going to be flash upgradeable.


FWIW I received a new I/O Linc about 2 weeks ago with the latest programming (V1.2R) (v.34). After linking with the ISY I tested the trigger off memory after a power failure. It still didn’t retain the trigger off selection. Come to find out SH did fix the trigger off function, but it will only work properly if you first link it manually with other devices, then you can link it into the ISY. I don’t understand why it won’t work properly linking it to the ISY then creating scenes thru the ISY, but it wont.


After I manually linked the I/O Linc I added it to the ISY, re-arranged some scenes and removed power for the I/O, then re-applied power and presto, it retained the trigger off memory!


Although, as MikeB pointed out, the sensor still shows up as “On†in the admin. console when the garage door is closed, but, it has been working perfectly since.



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