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Coronavirus 2019 - Global Heat Map


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For those interested in seeing the current state and spread of the Coronavirus 2019 a global heat map has been created here: 



Mapping the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

John Hopkins University (JHU) is tracking the spread of 2019-nCoV in near-realtime. JHU developed a GIS Dashboard using ArcGIS Online that pulls relevant data from  WHO, U.S. CDCECDC China CDC (CCDC), NHCand Dingxiangyuan (an aggregator site that pulls NHC summaries and local CCDC reports in near real-time). The online mapping application updates frequently each day to pull in fresh information about the spread of 2019-nCoV. Cases are geocoded by city/place on the map and represented by circles sized based on the number of cases. You can click on the individual entries listed in the “Confirmed Cases by Country/Region” section to pan to that country. Double-click on the map to zoom in, and use your mouse or trackpad to pan around the mouse with your cursor.

I really hope the world gets a solid grip on handling this outbreak . . . 


In 24 hours the number of people infected has jumped by 1600. The latest confirmed numbers world wide is 7783 infected persons. 


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