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Icons Nomenclature, Legend, Definitions, ISY994

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Newb inquiry - Where can Icon Nomenclature, Legends, & Definitions be found -For the Entire ISY System, admin console, devices, statuses, etc.  Seems the wiki does not have this, nor quick start.

This _has_ been asked numerous times, as far back as 2012; various wording has been used in posts for what I believe to be the same inquiry. 

Additionally, having the actual *Icons* used vs a word description of icons is as intuitive as including the variables & status descriptions for each icon; a descript of 2 things attached w/a doo dad is not as good as an actual icon. 

Though perhaps, _perhaps_ it will 'make sense after I am up and running', but since I'm in newb status......

So, since it has been asked quite often before, and seemingly nothing found or updated, if anyone has created a list, I would be most appreciative of their efforts :P



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...FWIW to anyone, I slapped together while waiting for something else (multitsk tsk), but alas, now an issue in ASCI (paste)... can't do as a table, below will have to do for now (pulled from my 1Note nfo.





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...FWIW to anyone, I slapped together while waiting for something else (multitsk tsk), but alas, now an issue in ASCI (paste)... can't do as a table, below will have to do for now (pulled from my 1Note nfo.

Nice job and there are a couple of other colours missing.

Yellow: A program is missing an association (reference to) a device, network resource, etc.

Turquoise: Cant remember what it means. Then again 99% of the members have never seen this besides me!

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...FWIW to anyone, I slapped together while waiting for something else (multitsk tsk), but alas, now an issue in ASCI (paste)... can't do as a table, below will have to do for now (pulled from my 1Note nfo.

Good start. As far as I can tell the Wiki and other documentation is helpful but sometimes imperfect. You really need to get behind the wheel to learn how to drive.

Backup your ISY.
Click around and explore.
Backup often.
Click around and save often. Have fun - if you break anything you can restore a backup.

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Some diversions end up as rabbit holes & I just couldn't pass this one; but oh it's one big ugly png :(

@TrojanHorse -So I did get behind the wheel (...like skiing, and I'm breaking bones), but I rabbit holed this icon bit and think I did the same with my device naming convention, having changed several times now.  But having fun getting snow in my face!  I just don't have but about 1/2 hour evy other day to play.

So, to confirm another query (another diversion), there's no graceful shutdown?  During the build of a little UPS, ensuring a nice clean DC during transitions, I couldn't find any shutdown menu's nor documentation on shutdown.

@Teken -Yellow, I'll have to create one, then clear up that post (eech!), might be good from an anti-search spider bot, but not to copy/paste into anyone's own help files (I know, I've always disliked copying big pics to my 1Note); as for the Turquoise, I can't remember 99% of things, other members, wait... where was I going with that.....


Isn't this Fun...!

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