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Renaming Devices, Z-Wave ISY994

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Ok, I've been awake for quite some time, quite sober, and I previously did this several times successfully, and documented myself as there seems no documentation on this that I could find. 

However after 8x of Inclusion/Exclusion on one device, I am unable to rename devices according to the last radio-button selection of "Rename all associated devices by replacing the prefix of each name with a new common prefix".  I've tried single & multiple periods, dashes, tried underscores; tried grouping devices & selecting the parent, selecting a child, to begin renaming; tried freshly added device in root folder; ungrouped & grouped in a folder.  Perhaps I'm compounding somewhere, but I know I've selected the last option and kept all the device manufacturers' naming @ least 8 other times.  I didn't go too deep on characters either as I've noted there's a limit to characters (yep, documented that too).

At what point must this be done as I'm obviously not applying @ the correct point, else I'd not be posting this......?

BTW, speaking of grouping, I stumbled onto grouping by _any_ device (right clk >Context menu >group devices), and the group will be headed appropriately by the parent.  Perhaps this is normal, but I stumbled this as kinda advantageous during attempts of determining relationships (who's the kid, who's the parent) after seeing phantom devices from poorly vendor'd templates of features not being disabled.

This is for Z-Wave device(s) on the ISY994i @ 5.0.16C

Thx   (....before I lose mo' hair......)

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The auto rename of z-wave devices has a hard time aka doesn't work well because of all of the spaces in the initial name of the z-wave devices.  I found it less frustrating to rename them individually.  copy/paste and notepad is your friend at this point.

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...darn mouth salivating; after experiencing this a few times .... I miss it already knowing now it is, shall we say -Intermittent?!

So I'm correct in my wording of Parent/Child identity & Heading (more or less ~~):

11 hours ago, Inchwork said:

 grouping by _any_ device (right clk >Context menu >group devices), and the group will be headed appropriately by the parent. 

and the

12 hours ago, Inchwork said:

seeing phantom devices from poorly vendor'd templates of features not being disabled

Is also correct?!  I had read about this in a post about 2019 ...

On 2/6/2019 at 8:15 PM, gzahar said:

I assumed, as you mention, that these phantom capabilities are showing up because vendors are reusing designs and not disabling features that are not present in a new device.

Regarding other controllers, my expectation is they are hard coding the feature set for every device based on model (or something similar) whereas UDI (for good or bad) is querying the device and populating nodes based on the feature set reported by the device (whether the feature makes sense or not).  At least that is my understanding.  This is really above my knowledge level and I am just trying to report what I have read.

Thanks ?

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I don't worry about grouping  the "phantom nodes." I just manually rename the one or two nodes that are needed for the device and just drag the phantoms to an "Unused Z-Wave Nodes" folder. 

Once all of your devices are included, you can select, under ISY's Z-Wave options to "Freeze ISY nodes" and no more phantoms will be added. I don't do this anymore as new phantoms are rare and it's easy to just drag them to the "Unused Z-Wave Nodes" folder. 

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12 hours ago, gviliunas said:

don't worry about grouping  the "phantom nodes." I just manually rename the one or two nodes that are needed for the device and just drag the phantoms to an "Unused Z-Wave Nodes" folder. 

Ok, so simply leave them somewhere else ('re-foldered' outta the way); didn't know this could/should be done; thx

from earlier then:

13 hours ago, Inchwork said:

 grouping by _any_ device (right clk >Context menu >group devices), and the group will be headed appropriately by the parent. 

^above^ is correct then?  Perhaps I'm looking too intently on a context menu/properties for IDing the parent device ? 

I am trying not to get too many devices going at once, but perhaps necessary.....then compare device behavior, properties, etc (talk about overloading ...EEECH, gimme a shot)

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