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Sync problem between Mobilinc and garage door


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I use an Insteon 2450 I/O Linc to control my garage door via the UDI ISY994i and Orchestrated Mobilinc on iPhone and iPad.  There are two icons on the Dashboard or Favorites page, one for Garage Door-Relay and one for Garage Door-Status.  These stay in sync when the door is controlled by any of the Insteon devices such as the mini remote.  The problem arises when I activate the door with any of the wired momentary buttons connected directly to the door controller.  The Garage Door-Status correctly indicates the door position via the I/O Linc, but the Garage Door-relay is out of sync because it was never activated.  So now one icon indicates the door is closed and the other says it is open.  I could get rid of or hide the relay icon, but that is the only one that actually controls the door, as the status is just that; only status.  I've read many of the posts regarding the garage door control but can't find any that address this issue.  There must be others with this problem as almost all doors have a wired momentary button to open/close the door.  Can anyone suggest a way using a program or variable to keep this in sync?  My open/close sensor is a micro-switch mounted near the bottom of the door, so it indicates anytime the door is NOT closed, which could effect any programming timing.  I'm open to any suggestions.  Thanks

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FYI, in Mobilinc you can actually activate the relay control by pressing the status icon.  (saves you from needing both icons on screen).

Not sure how you are using the relay, momentary (to simulate the hard wired switches) or open/closed.

I had an issue with a gate control that did not report the proper status of the relay after issuing a command that should do a momentary close.  I don't recall the specifics, but I would have to issue the command twice to get it to operate.  To fix this, I wrote a program that queried the relay several seconds after it saw the relay state change.

If this is your issue, then maybe the query will do the trick (based on seeing the door state change).  If the relay is not being used in a momentary configuration, then you may need to write a program that adjusts the state of the relay whenever it sees the door state change. (there would probably need to be some delays factored in)

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I am using Orchestrated Mobilinc on my iPad & iPhone.  There appear to be two apps called Mobilinc, so perhaps that adds to the problems.  I know I am confused.

The I/O linc relay is configured for momentary to work with my hard wired buttons.

The Garage Door Status Icon on both the iPad & iPhone is labeled as a status device only.  There is no option there for control, and touching it does nothing.  

When I use something like a mini remote to control it everything is OK.  When I use one of the wired buttons  (which are used 80% of the time) it's all out of sync.

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The version of Mobilinc I have (HD) is a subset of the version you are running (HD doesn't have resource manager built in); so they should operate the same regarding an I/O linc device.  Make sure you are directly pressing the garage door icon (or whatever icon you chose).  This works for me both on dashboard and device pages.

Reading back over your post a little more carefully, I think the issue might be that you are associating the status of the relay with the status of the door.  With the relay set for momentary operation, it should always be in the same state (regardless if the door is open or closed) except for a brief time when it operates.  i.e. it should always be open except for the fraction of a second when it closes to simulate the hard wired buttons. 

There is a sort of a 'bug' in ISY that will show the relay as 'on' after you issue an 'on' command (to close the relay), even though relay operation was momentary and immediately went back 'off'.  This is why I wrote a program to query the relay 3 seconds after is detected the relay status as 'on' so that it could properly show the status as 'off' again.  This use to save me from having to press the status icon twice in Mobilinc to get it to toggle again, but I just disabled that program and things worked on the first press (even though ISY & Mobilinc showed the status of the relay wrong).  So either an update in ISY or Mobilinc appears to have fixed the issue I was having.   (but it is still nice having the proper status of the relay shown in both places.)

I see in the 2450 data sheet there is an example for controlling a garage door that uses momentary setting C (which uses logic for whether the sense input is open or closed to determine if it should operate the door).  Don't know if you are using this mode to get discrete open/close commands, but I just use momentary 'B' to get toggle operation (open if closed / close if open).  That may also be complicating matters (regarding getting the Mobilinc status icon to operate the relay properly).


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I'm not really concerned with the status of the relay because I am using it in momentary mode 'C' with the logic. I have it displayed because that is the icon that seems to control the door.  Although I'm using momentary mode 'C', the relay status seems to toggle On after I touch the status icon, and the door does not operate.  Sometimes a second touch of the status will operate the door and toggle the relay status.  This is just not repeatable or reliable.  I'll try your suggestion on mode B and maybe a single press on the status will work.   I'm old school:  the only thing I find reliable is hard wired and old fashioned relays.  Thanks for listening.

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Another idea is to have separate open and close programs since the switch usually acts as a toggle when really you want a specific action. A few years ago I posted this. You don’t need to use an Elk, just revise the programs to your sensor and relay.





Edit: old post that apps like Tapatalk don’t seem to like. Need to open the link in a browser.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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