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Won't connect ...

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I am following instructions here on Github:




Setup accounts but login details won't work at the step, This will initiate a login process with Honeywell Home. You will need to enter your Honeywell Home user (email) and password."


I have confirmed I am using my total comfort login. 

Anyone else have this issue?

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Total Connect Comfort won't work.  You have to install the Honeywell Home app on your cell phone and make a new account in it.  There isn't a Honeywell Home website like there is a TCC one.  Once you have HH setup you can add your thermostats if they're listed in the app or import them from TCC, if not.

And there may be some issues in using older thermostats you import.  I had problems with RTH6580WF's showing up with correct data and responses and rather than fight with them and HH, I bought T6 Pro's from Amazon.  Problems all went away with T6 Pros and they work fine.

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I forget exactly how mine went but it seems like with the stats connected to TCC, I installed the HH app and logged in to it using the same user and password as I used on the TCC website.  Then pushing the + at the bottom of the Home screen to add a thermostat brought up a screen that had "Import thermostat from Total Connect Comfort".  Selecting that brought my stats into HH.  Afterward I went to TCC and deleted them from there.  But I don't know if that was absolutely necessary.

And looking just now I confirmed that I'm using the same email and password on HH as I was on TCC.


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  • 2 months later...

I'm trying to get this Polyglot working on my Polisy Nodeserver.  I have 2 Honeywell RTH9580WF thermostats installed. The Honeywell Home app corrected imported them both from the Total Comfort Control app but when I log into honeywellhome.com (account created in Honeywell Home app) it says 0 devices were found just as @Jason Miller posted above. Are these thermostats not supported? 

(BTW, I posted the same question on the github page for this server 12 days ago and have not had any response.)

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  • 1 month later...

@Kentinada I apologize for not being more responsive. Between my day job, some COVID related issues, and now the wildfires in Oregon I have not been paying attention to these projects or the Github notifications for them.

I will go review the post on Github and respond there. But the short answer is the Nodeserver is being updated as I have time and as of right now that time is extremely limited.

As to your actual question I have no clue if those thermostats are supported or not. I know that @Colecaz sent me a RTH6580WF thermostat that is still sitting on my desk waiting for time for me to look at it. But if the thermostats you have are not showing up in Honeywell Home, unless someone else has some experience with that one in particular, your best bet will be to contact Honeywell and figure out why. From the nodeserver standpoint if they don't show up in the Honeywell home website then we can't see them via the API.

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