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Mobilinc not reporting correct satus


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Hey all, just wondering if anyone else has any issues with mobilinc x not reporting accurate statuses. Mobilinc has been controlling my devices fine, but often does not update the statuses, even with a query. I have tried direct connection, portal connection, and the subscription w/mobilinc connect and same problem. (Yes the admin console reports the correct statuses) Hopefully Wes is aware of this and is working on a fix.

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  • 2 months later...

I am having a "scene" status problem with the Android version of Mobilinc Pro.  I have a KPL driving four scenes for a fanlink with the typical "a" as controller, "b,c,d" and the Fanlinc as responders for each a,b,c,d button controlling each speed and the KPL LEDs.  If I tap the scene icon the result is completely unreliable and seems like a toggle on-off but with a delay that makes it unpredictable.  If I open the scene and tap "on" it works correctly but does not show the correct scene status (except for the "a" scene).  The status of the devices is always correct in Mobilinc as the table below shows.  The status is also always correct on the KPL LEDs and in Admin Console regardless of where I switch it.  The iPhone version works correctly on scene tap and scene status.  I am using v2.0.7 and v5.0.16C.

Tap on         scene status            a status      b status      c status      d status     fanlink    note

a                   40%,off,off,off          on                off               off                off              high        correct indicators         

b                  35%,35%,off,off        off               on                 off                off             Med        a & b on

c                  25%,25%,25%,off      off               off                on                off              low          a,b &c on

d                 20%,20%,20%,20%    off               off                off                off              off           a,b,c,&d on

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Hi @BobMic

What you are seeing is the scene percentage. On the iOS side, you'll see the same thing if you enable the advanced scene percentage option. By default iOS will show scenes as either ON or OFF using a more strict logic approach that I don't recall is an option on the older MobiLinc Pro/Android app.

Have you seen the newest MobiLinc X app for iOS and Android? I rewrote MobiLinc from the ground up so I could easily keep iOS and Android features in sync and offer cross platform support equally. One of the features of MobiLinc X is a dedicated FanLinc interface that is very simple to view status and control your FanLinc devices quickly and easily in MobiLinc X without going through scenes. 

MobiLinc X is free to try for 14 days.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Wes.  I am still using Mobilinc Pro on Android and iOS as I have been for many years.  At this point is suits me better but that may change.

I have spent a bunch of time trying to work around the issues with Pro and thought I should post my step-by-step for others that are having the same problem.  I will start a new thread to make it specific to Fanlinc, KPL and Mobilinc Pro.


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