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been a long time isy user, but despite reading the details on Polisy it still kind of escapes me.  so the Polisy is not a isy replacement but accessory to integrate other protocols?  if so how does the isy use that capability in its programs?

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been a long time isy user, but despite reading the details on Polisy it still kind of escapes me.  so the Polisy is not a isy replacement but accessory to integrate other protocols?  if so how does the isy use that capability in its programs?

Yes, and no . . . As of this writing the Polisy is an add on device which runs the Polyglot Framework which extends the capability of the ISY Series Controller. A perfect example is the replacement of the Weather Module. Whatever you're doing in programs with respect to weather the same can be done in one of six different weather related node servers. At some point the Polisy will be the controller but the ISY Series Controller will continue to be sold as the need is there.



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Here's a great working example in terms of how the Polyglot Frame Work installed on a dedicated Polisy / RPI. In the past say you had a piece of hardware like mine that could send network data to the ISY Series Controller. More often than not that data would be represented as a State Variable as seen here. There was no way to see the same values as a *Virtual Node* - until now.

@markv58 Has recently released literally the ground shattering Virtual Node Server . . .

Now, the same temperatures that only existed as a State Variable is represented as a Node in the Device Tree! As of this writing there are 82 different Node Servers that span A-Z and cover weather, energy, A/V, thermostats, Schedules, etc.

State Temp.PNG

Node Server Channel.PNG

Thermostat Icon.PNG

Dark Sky.PNG

Open Weather Map.PNG

Weather Bit.PNG

Weather Flow.PNG

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2 hours ago, jkraus said:

OK, thanks, seems I don't really have the need, but nice to know!

Maybe you don't have the need, but make sure that you see all the nodeservers that are in Polyglot. I personally actively use the Harmony Hub, AV Remote, Push and Google Holidays Nodeservers in my wake-up and other programs . Lights will go On or Off, curtains will open or close, TV will go On or Off..... depending on my, and my Wife's, work schedules, when the cleaning lady comes and when we are on a trip.  I also get various Push messages coming from sensor alerts.

I am in awe of what Polyglot (RPi or Polisy) has added to my comfort and pleasure.

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7 hours ago, Teken said:

At some point the Polisy will be the controller but the ISY Series Controller will continue to be sold as the need is there.



Is there a rought timeline for when this will happen? I'd love to remove the ISY and just have the Polisy to simplify things, but I have not seen any mention anywhere of when that might actually be feasible.

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Is there a rought timeline for when this will happen? I'd love to remove the ISY and just have the Polisy to simplify things, but I have not seen any mention anywhere of when that might actually be feasible.

No ETA on when the team is ready to begin the migration process. In passing conversations in related threads Michel simply affirmed the Polisy would be the next generation home automation controller.

Unless something changes drastically I don’t foresee this happening anytime soon in 2020.

I’d love to be proven wrong as I’m itching to get all of my energy management into a more powerful computer system.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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2 hours ago, Teken said:

I’d love to be proven wrong as I’m itching to get all of my energy management into a more powerful computer system.

Actually for me, I am more interested in a new user interface, faster and more friendly than the current administrative console.

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6 hours ago, asbril said:

Actually for me, I am more interested in a new user interface, faster and more friendly than the current administrative console.

A BIG AMEN to this idea! There is much that can be done now via nodeservers on either a Polisy device or a RPi running polyglot. The big problem is in accessing and making use of the information produced by those nodeservers, and in accessing the ISY itself using modern, mobile devices (e.g., a smartphone).

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A way to make this happen is to allow plug-ins in the new Polisy/ISY, much the same as Node servers have vastly improved the number and kind of available devices the ISY can coordinate/control. Even if UDI became the new Apple of automation control, it may still be difficult for them to match the ingenuity and rapidity of a driven 3rd-party developer, who just wants some functionality in the Admin Console. (No slight to the excellent developers at UDI. Having run a hardware/software company I found that for every product, or version of product, development soon becomes the minority portion of the task, with support, documentation, sales, overhead, admin, consuming the rest). In addition, plug-ins would allow for various presentations or functionality, even if there was duplication of purpose, but variations on implementation.

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5 hours ago, madcodger said:

A BIG AMEN to this idea! There is much that can be done now via nodeservers on either a Polisy device or a RPi running polyglot. The big problem is in accessing and making use of the information produced by those nodeservers, and in accessing the ISY itself using modern, mobile devices (e.g., a smartphone).

Another wish of mine......   I remotely manage my Son's ISY,  creating and managing his programs. Recently I installed Polisy in his home but unfortunately I can not remotely access it. Hopefully when ISY moves to Polisy we will  have full remote access.

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19 hours ago, jkraus said:

OK, thanks, seems I don't really have the need, but nice to know!

This made me chuckle and think back to when I first got my ISY-99.  All I wanted to be able to do was dim the LEDs on the switches in the bedroom at night.  When I first got an RPI and loaded Polyglot on it, all I wanted to do was turn on the white noise machine when I turned off the TV (via Harmony).  Oh boy.  Once you start seeing the capabilities, it's never ending...

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4 minutes ago, carealtor said:

This made me chuckle and think back to when I first got my ISY-99.  All I wanted to be able to do was dim the LEDs on the switches in the bedroom at night.  When I first got an RPI and loaded Polyglot on it, all I wanted to do was turn on the white noise machine when I turned off the TV (via Harmony).  Oh boy.  Once you start seeing the capabilities, it's never ending...

I tell people automation is like smartphones when they first came out. People questioned why the needed to see their email and surf the net when they were out and about. Now you can't imagine life without. 

The more you take advantage of the possibilities, the harder it is to go without it

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4 minutes ago, carealtor said:

This made me chuckle and think back to when I first got my ISY-99.  All I wanted to be able to do was dim the LEDs on the switches in the bedroom at night.  When I first got an RPI and loaded Polyglot on it, all I wanted to do was turn on the white noise machine when I turned off the TV (via Harmony).  Oh boy.  Once you start seeing the capabilities, it's never ending...

I look at it this way like a eight cylinder vehicle. If you're just putting around just getting laundry and grocery done - great! This doesn't remotely tax the engine in any way and you just keep sipping gas. Now, you got that really heavy load in the back and you're going up a steep hill.

You think having a four cylinder engine towing tonnes of weight is this going to be fun - Nope! 

Now, that same eight cylinder monster under the hood will just laugh and tow your skinny aszz up that hill while there's a stupid grin on your face!

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4 minutes ago, carealtor said:

This made me chuckle and think back to when I first got my ISY-99.  All I wanted to be able to do was dim the LEDs on the switches in the bedroom at night.  When I first got an RPI and loaded Polyglot on it, all I wanted to do was turn on the white noise machine when I turned off the TV (via Harmony).  Oh boy.  Once you start seeing the capabilities, it's never ending...

I tell people automation is like smartphones when they first came out. People questioned why the needed to see their email and surf the net when they were out and about. Now you can't imagine life without. 

The more you take advantage of the possibilities, the harder it is to go without it

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27 minutes ago, carealtor said:

This made me chuckle and think back to when I first got my ISY-99.  All I wanted to be able to do was dim the LEDs on the switches in the bedroom at night.  When I first got an RPI and loaded Polyglot on it, all I wanted to do was turn on the white noise machine when I turned off the TV (via Harmony).  Oh boy.  Once you start seeing the capabilities, it's never ending...

I tell people...it's fun, adventurous, and exciting but "if you haven't started, run away as fast as your can!"

I'll give you a free sample for your birthday but once you are hooked, you are going to pay dearly! :)

I found it fascinating with my three sons. "I don't want any! I don't want any" Next visit, I see 40 or 50 new devices in their homes, and they hide their faces. :)  :)

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1 hour ago, larryllix said:

I tell people...it's fun, adventurous, and exciting but "if you haven't started, run away as fast as your can!"

I'll give you a free sample for your birthday but once you are hooked, you are going to pay dearly! :)

I found it fascinating with my three sons. "I don't want any! I don't want any" Next visit, I see 40 or 50 new devices in their homes, and they hide their faces. :)  :)

My wife was like that when we first met. Then she felt the same after Alexa/google. To this day, whenever she uses voice in front of me, she refused to look at me. Lol

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1 hour ago, larryllix said:

I tell people...it's fun, adventurous, and exciting but "if you haven't started, run away as fast as your can!"

I'll give you a free sample for your birthday but once you are hooked, you are going to pay dearly! :)

LOL I think I hear the Stones "Dealer" playing in the background.

I think I actually experienced a sensation of euphoria after getting an RPi and installing the first NS. No more typing endless NR's and manipulating variables to try to get some control over something or other (plus I'd typically do it too quickly and end up troubleshooting the NR, etc.). And then being able to put nodes into Scenes... Yeah, yeah, here comes that feeling again! :lol:

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I want to test a nodeserver code but I do not know how to upload it to Polisy. I searched forums,  Google and could not find out. It is probably something very obvious so nobody is even mentioning it.

In Polyglot Documentation I found this info

"Once all of this has been coded and all the appropriate files (documented in the last section) have been created, the node server directory can be placed in the configuration directory in a subfolder called node_servers. Polyglot should then be restarted to trigger the discovery of new node server types. If there is an issue with your node server, it will appear in the log."


My question is. How  to place it in configuration directory. When I ssh to  Polisy I can see the folder nodeservers with subfolders of the nodes that I installed form nodeserver store  but How do I place my codes into Polisy?

I have GitHub Desktop . I can  fork a node, make a branch, modify the code and push to github as a private node but it will not show in the nodeserver store, which is obvious and I even would not want to. I want to test it first. How can I install it in my Polisy and test before I will make it available to others?

Maybe it is as easy  and similar as pushing from GitHub Desktop to to Github repository. Can I push form Github Desktop directly to my Polisy?



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After ssh to Polisy, become the polyglot user...

sudo -u polyglot -s

supply the admin user password when prompted.


cd /var/polyglot/nodeservers


ls -la

will show you the directories for your existing node servers... your node server should also reside here, in its own directory.

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Thank you. The problem I have is that I do not know how to put my nodeserver there. I knew how to see the installed nodeservers.

Could you to tell me how to send the code form my computer, or for github repository to polisy to see it in polisy?


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6 minutes ago, Kajtek said:

Thank you. The problem I have is that I do not know how to put my nodeserver there. I knew how to see the installed nodeservers.

Could you to tell me how to send the code form my computer, or for github repository to polisy to see it in polisy?


I use FileZilla Client to transfer files between polISY and Rpis and Win 10. It is updated frequently and works like a charm with many options.

I don't know how to get files in or out of git-hub.

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