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Is the Echo worth getting?


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Hello everyone,,

So, I've been gifted an Amazon voucher that (almost) covers the current price of an Amazon Echo 2nd Gen. (Not the Dot). And since getting the voucher, I've been considering whether to get one or not - and I can't quite decide.

On the one hand, it seems very cool. I can see myself making use of the music player, news, weather, shopping lists and so on. But I'm concerned about how much use it would really get - especially once the novelty value wears off.

On the other hand, my wife has trouble with the voice typing on her phone understanding her accent sometimes, and if the voice assistant in the corner has as much trouble then that would be very frustrating https://speedtest.vet/ https://vidmate.bid/ https://wordtopdf.ltd/.

I'm also not hugely sure just how much / what it can do exactly. An awful lot of posts and articles about it rave about the home automation features that it works with - of which we have none. So I'm concerned that a significant chunk of its functionality would be wasted on us.


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1 hour ago, Jinesh said:

Hello everyone,,

So, I've been gifted an Amazon voucher that (almost) covers the current price of an Amazon Echo 2nd Gen. (Not the Dot). And since getting the voucher, I've been considering whether to get one or not - and I can't quite decide.

On the one hand, it seems very cool. I can see myself making use of the music player, news, weather, shopping lists and so on. But I'm concerned about how much use it would really get - especially once the novelty value wears off.

On the other hand, my wife has trouble with the voice typing on her phone understanding her accent sometimes, and if the voice assistant in the corner has as much trouble then that would be very frustrating.

I'm also not hugely sure just how much / what it can do exactly. An awful lot of posts and articles about it rave about the home automation features that it works with - of which we have none. So I'm concerned that a significant chunk of its functionality would be wasted on us.


I have about 11 Echo Dots and 1 Echo (full size)  in my home. I also have about 6 Google Home Minis and one full size GH. If you want them for music playing, lean towards GH or Echo full size.

If you want them for mainly HA then lean toward Echo Dots, for the price...about 4 for 1? With ISY994 and ISY Portal the Echo Dot can replace dozens of Insteon remotes and switches plus  be available for stats on Movie Stars, movies, conversions during cooking, setting event into your mobile phone calendars, and keeping shopping lists etc..

Shopping lists work like this...
..."Alexa! Add carrots"
     " OK... I have added carrots to your shopping list."

This list is available on your cell phone and synchronises between both our phones as the items are checked off. We never forget a paper list or forget to write the item down any more. This is totally independent of ISY994.

I started making techniques to change colours and colour schemes of my lights using dozens of Insteon buttons and combinations of selection methods. Once I got an Alexa Dot they all went into the junk bin. That sounds like this.
..."Alexa!   turn on Independence Day deck lights"
    "OK" This caused every third deck light around the home to turn red, next third to white, last third to turn blue. I have dozen of different colouring and white light scenes styles.

Get a few amazon Dots and more when they are on sale.
I also have an 8" Echo Show that displays webcams and those lists of shopping items and appointments when asked.

When a garage door is opened, my Dots announce which door and when they are both closed as well as when the dryer is finished and when any battery devices signals a low battery by speaking the announcement on many devices.

For non-native English speakers @asbril may be able to shed some light on both systems.

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I “echo” larryllix’s praise on the usefulness of dots and similar voice operated smart devices.  I was hesitant at first to add these to our home system and am amazed at how quickly we all adapted especially my wife.  She adds items to the grocery list, sets multiple cooking timers, asks for conversions, weather reports, and much more.  We play a variety of music on our Sonos in whatever rooms we ask for.  (“Alexa play Bod Seger in the livingroom”)  And now instead of pushing insteon switches to turn on various lights or toggle the garage door, we just ask Alexa.  I always said I didn’t want to walk around talking to my house but I do that frequently now and don’t even think about it. 

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We use both Echo and Google Home and each has its pro and cons.  I started with GH because my Son gave me one, and I added Echo when I basically got one for free. Now both systems are around the home. I like the Echo Dot with time display, and it also reacts faster to "Open Curtains" than GH, but GH is better at providing information, which is not a surprise with Google behind it.

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1 minute ago, asbril said:

We use both Echo and Google Home and each has its pro and cons.  I started with GH because my Son gave me one, and I added Echo when I basically got one for free. Now both systems are around the home. I like the Echo Dot with time display, and it also reacts faster to "Open Curtains" than GH, but GH is better at providing information, which is not a surprise with Google behind it.

I was hoping you might comment on the non-native English thing as the OP is concerned about it. I know you have mentioned it before. Has that resolved itself at all?

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39 minutes ago, larryllix said:

I was hoping you might comment on the non-native English thing as the OP is concerned about it. I know you have mentioned it before. Has that resolved itself at all?

Somehow my wife's Latino accent works better with Alexa than with GH.  My European accent works fine with both.

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Amazon Echo does allow you to train it for each user to better understand and distinguish the voices of all users in the house.  BTW, since you have a voucher, just buy the larger Echo which is better for listening to music and have fun with it.  Blueprints allows you to customize responses to questions.  One simple use is to say Alexa start a timer for 5 minutes to check the grill, along with other timers while cooking.  After all, it is just a parlor trick.

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Right now amazon has the Echo Show 8" on sale for cheaper than the full Echo. I recommend that one if you are only going to get one unit. However I don't recommend the Echo Show 5". It's screen is too small and useless unless you stand right in front of it. My son has one and it isn;t worth as much as a simple Dot.

The Echo Show 8" out hears every one of my Echo Dots, even when standing right in front of them and the Show 8" is at the other end of the house. Shopping lists onscreen and results of movie lookups in print in front of you are worth a lot. My Echo Show 8" sits on top of the tower A/V speakers and still hears better than all other Dots with the TV blaring through those speakers.

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If you make use of even a fraction of the possible applications, I feel confident you will soon find Echo functionality to be nearly indespensible. With time you will grow into it, making use of features you never expected. I certainly did. I now have voice control over every single light in my home, my irrigation system, my locks, security cameras, whole-house water cut-off, and network resets. Of course many of these functions are not native to the "Echo-system," but with time you may, as I did incorporate a "multi-protocol" hub that will allow maximum connectivity and versatility. Personally, I recommend Universal Devices' ISY hubs should you get to that point.  In summary, Go For It. Your minimal investment will pay seemingly endless returns.

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