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Using Aeotec Sensor in Isy Program problem


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I'm trying to get Isy to send me an email with the temperature reading from my Zwave Multisensor 6. I have no issue with the "If" portion of a program ( temperature >75 F) or the "then" (notify;default)) but I can't figure out how to customize the email to include the actual temperature (or other node reading like humidity) in the body of the email. I've been reading for hours and I can find anyone's program for that. Unfortunately, I'm a somewhat a novice on computer code writing,  so would be very appreciative for some basic guidance on how to do this task. 

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@Bspect I set a variable equal to the MS6 temperature node each time the node updates. Here is the pseudocode:

            If  status of Kitchen Temp is not 1000

            Then set sTempVariable = MS6 Temperature node degrees F

Your other program can check if the Temp is too high and send the e-mail

In the E-mail customization, you can reference the variable

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Hope this can help.  I posted this a while ago and spent 15 minutes looking for it and haven't found it.  I'll see if I can duplicate from memory.

Here is the sample email or text:  (This is dependant on which node triggers the event in the program.  So if temperature triggers the event then temperature is what you will see in your notification.  Only want temperature?  Then, remove all the other "OR" lines in the program and have only one line for temperature.)

The body will give you an example of all the other options you have for each alert or system variables...

Examples of email notifications for some triggers:

ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX Mstr Bed RM MSS ZW 17 Status is Off @ 12:49:12 PM On 2020/08/28

ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17 LUMIN is 38.00 lux @ 12:46:01 PM On 2020/08/28

ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17 CLITEMP is 78.10° F @ 12:40:25 PM On 2020/08/28



ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX - 

        Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17' <= 120° F
     Or Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17' <= 100% (Humidity)
     Or Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17' <= 2000 lux (Luminance)
     Or Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM MSS ZW 17' <= On
     Or Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Bin Sensor ZW 17' <= On
     Or Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Tamper AlarmZW 17' <= On
        Wait  1 second
        Send Notification to 'Default' content 'ZW Multi Generic'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Notification Called:   ZWave Multi Generic

Subject:  ${sys.program.#.name} ${sys.node.#.name} ${alert.control} is ${alert.action} @ ${alert.time} On ${alert.date}


*****Used for Humidity, Temperature and LUX (Or all ZW Multi Nodes)*******
*****Defautl Subject*****
*****Defautl Subject without Program Name*****
*****Default Body*****
*****Default Compact Subject*****
*****Default Compact Body*****
*****Program Name*****
*****Program Status*****
*****Node Name*****
*****Node Address*****
*****Scene Name*****
*****Scene Address*****

****Open ADR****

*******ZWave Generic********
${sys.program.#.name} ${alert.event} @ ${alert.time} On ${alert.date}
*******Zwave Multi Temperature*******
${sys.program.#.name} ${sys.node.#.name} Temperature is ${alert.action} Humididty is ${alert.action} @ ${alert.time} On ${alert.date}


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