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Hello everyone,

I have an ISY994i PRO the firmware and UI is v.5.0.16B, I also have a Polisy V:2.2.9-5

I have a WeatherFlow Tempest and a WeatherFlow Air. I have placed the tempest on a pole about 20 feet tall next to my house, and have placed the Air inside my house. My intent was to use the two devices to identify inside and outside temperatures to alert me as to when to turn off the whole house fan. The problem is both temperatures overwrite each other on the WeatherFlow Temperatures tab on my ISY 994i. First the outside temperature will indicate, then the inside temperature.

If you check out my weather station data, both inside and outside temperatures are shown, but only one temperature is indicated at a time on the ISY.


How can I get separate readings for both outside and inside temperatures to show on my isy.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Robert Page

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I have a tempest but am not using it the same way you are.  The weather flow is the outside everything. 

Get an indoor temp sensor and use that.  I have a whole house fan that I am going to do exactly what you are attempting to do. Also have a temp sensor next to the fan inlet.  


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