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EZRain/EZFlora Help

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I have two programs directly interfacing with my EZRain/EZFlora which controls two drip lines and three sprinklers.  Both of them fail after running ~10 minutes, and I can't figure out why.  If anyone has any suggestions how to troubleshoot this, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • When I right click either program and 'Run Then', the program runs as expected.  The program icon on the Details Program tab turns green.  The Activity column on the Summary tab lists the program as Running 'Then' .  The Last Run Time on the Summary tab lists the date and time that I started the program.  The first line of Then executes and turns on the drip line.
  • image.png.9e19726230f765816e7c7df7b871bc68.png
  • image.png.d62aff4999e2c23ea9fb49dc7cd00886.png
  • After about ten minutes, the timing is inconsistent, the program stops.  The program icon on the Details Program tab changes back to white.  The Activity column on the Summary tab says the program is Idle.  Both the Last Run Time and the Last Finish Time are updated to the date and time the program appears to have stopped.  The sprinkler/drip line, however, stays open for some period of time, but it does not appear that any other steps execute.
  • image.thumb.png.4d88e44e2f5c479d56fcdc431521a951.png
  • Looking at the Log, I see nothing related to the EZRain/EZFlora.  I don't even see an initial entry where the first sprinkler was turned on.
  • Looking at the Error Log, I see nothing around the time the program was executed.  This is all my error log has after a recent restart just before my latest test.
  1. Wed 2020/09/16 05:57:49 PM    System    -5    Start    
  2. Wed 2020/09/16 05:57:50 PM    System    -110022    /CONF/INSTENG.OPT    
  3. Wed 2020/09/16 05:57:50 PM    System    -110012    /CONF/INSTENG.OPT    
  4. Wed 2020/09/16 05:57:55 PM    System    -110022    /DEF/F6/I1/NLS/EN_US.TXT    
  5. Wed 2020/09/16 05:57:59 PM    System    -170001    [Network] Established    
  • The last time these programs ran successfully was last Friday, just prior to upgrading to v5.2.0.  I did un-link the EZRain/EZFlora and re-linked it to ensure it was properly recognised under the new version.  The un-linking and re-linking worked without a problem, but it did not resolve the issue.
  • image.png.b9c40e508570c70312b5f5e9e70b88fa.png
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Do you know if the module was built on the 2412 or 2413 base PLM assembly. If it is on a 2413S Dual Band assembly. It may have the same power supply issues we have routinely seen with our 2413S PLM.

If it has a pass through AC outlet on the front it is probably a 2412 assembly.  A plain cover on the front. Probably a 2413 Dual Band assembly. Can't say 100% as they are very vague on exactly what is now being used.

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EZFlora has a timeout value after which the valve shuts off. I think the default is 10 minutes so if you have a ISY program that runs a valve for longer than the timeout the valve will shutoff before the program ends and ISY won't know it. Each valve has it's own timeout valve. You can set this value with the ISY Admin program by selecting the Option link. I've set all mine to 60 minutes which is longer than any of my programs. See attached for ISY Admin button.

ISY EZFlora Timeout.jpg

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