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Program seems to ignore ELK Function buttons

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This is likely a newbie question:

What I'm trying to do:

If F1 is press on an ELK Keypad (Or say "Hey Google, Car Gate" ), activate the Car Gate (ELK M1 Relay).

If it happens to be between Sunset and Sunrise, also turn on the driveway lights.

In order to implement this, I have two programs:

1- F1 Car Gate:

IF F1 in pressed

   THENSet ELK out put (08) ON for 1 sec, Run Program 'Gate Lights' (IF)

   ELSEhas nothing

2- Gate Lights:

IF From Sunset to Sunrise (next day) AND (Program 'F1 Car Gate' is TRUE)

THEN Set 'MQTT Controller/Driveway Lights' to ON, Wait 1 minute, Set 'MQTT Controller/Driveway Lights' to OFF

ELSE has nothing


The programs works, when invoked by pressing F1 or 'Hey Google'.

However, everyday at Sunset the driveway lights come on too, without provocation...

What am I doing wrong?

BTW, is there a way to show  "code", rather than doing screenshots on the forum?






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