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PLM going out slowly and progressively - experience sharing


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Hi everyone,

I thought I would share my experience in case it happens to other people, especially since Michel told me that it does not happen very often.

About 2 month ago, when asking for my morning scene to Google Home Mini, it went on but the lights did not lit. I asked to open them, and it worked. No biggy.

But as the days were going by, there were more and more communication errors. But it would eventually work after repeating the commands once or twice.

On moth later, the communication was very unreliable. Unfortunately, I was super busy with work, family and personal stuff. Si it took at least 6 weeks before I could start to investigate. 

I was super happy to receive a super fast answer from Michel K. when I created a ticket for that.

First, we verified that It was not the Home app, the GHM or the UD protal that were causing problems. I had already reset all that (unlinking from UD, emptying cache, relinking, etc.) and it did not change anything. So I opened the admin console and tried a couple of commands. It was also working randomly. Same with UDajax.

So It seems like it was the PLM, but nothing had changed with it when it started doing the problem, and the fact that the problem was intermittent was unusual according to Michel. I still tried to move it elsewhere (of course, on it's own power outlet without extension cords or splitter. Close to very strong Wifi router. Nothing changed. We thought it could be «noise» on the line, but no new devices were installed in the house when it started, and why would it be progressively getting worst, regardless of where the PLM was plugged...

I ordered a new PLM, and that was it. After resting the devices status, everything works alright.

In fact, it seems, after reading many of your posts about the poor reliability of the PLM, that I was lucky to have it working for 5 years! I went from V2.0 to V2.7, hoping it will be good for awhile.

Good luck to you all! :)


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