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OpenWeatherMap Node Server - Snow Accumulation and Rain Accumulation


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My OpenWeatherMap Node Server works great, however, one item I have noticed is that both Snow Accumulation and Rain Accumulation always show 0 inches on each of the forecast tabs.  I live in New York City, and today is definitely not 0 for snow today !!!!!   Do Snow and Rain Accumulation simply not work?  



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The rain and snow values are optionally part of the data from OpenWeatherMap.  From the documentation:

  • daily.rain (where available) Precipitation volume, mm
  • daily.snow (where available) Snow volume, mm

Which I take to mean, not all locations will provide that information.

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Got it.   Makes sense.  Couple more questions (sorry !!):

  1. Anyone out there that lives in NYC that has been able to configure the OpenWeatherMap Node Server 'Location' in a way that you get Snow and Rain Accumulation forecasts?  If so could you share?
  2. Is it possible to have multiple locations and corresponding nodes for the OpenWeatherMap Nodeserver?  ie I can have nodes for more than one location?  That way I could have a second location running that provides  Snow and Rain Accumulation forecasts that hopefully are relatively close???


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It doesn't support multiple locations.

The only way to do that would be to run multiple copies of Polyglot and have the node server installed on each as current Polyglot will only allow one instance of a node server to run.

You could try a different service like WeatherBit or Climacell. However, rain/snow accumulation support is one area that is pretty hit or miss for the various services.  It seems hard to get good data for those.

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