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'Repeat 0 times' entries

Chris Jahn

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This is fixed in Release 2.4.13




For Release 2.4.12 and earlier


Please do not use Repeat 0 times as this may hang your ISY.


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Repeat 0 times

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I still see the '0' as an option in the spinbox widget for repeat; is this correct?



Please test this to see if it is now fixed in the new beta 2.4.13 release because I don't want to lock my box up. :P




Okay, I will, but a bit later :wink:


Repeat 0 could be used to comment out blocks of commands in a loop. That isn't what I intended when I did it though :shock:


Remember, I am the guy that discovered On Never, I now have a folder with that condition to build and test programs :o


I still desire some way to comment lines out of a program. There could be another button next to Remove Line, a toggle Comment Line. To test various lines when a program doesn't work as expected. :?



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Repeat 0 is supported because its just as easy to allow it as not. We currently do not support commenting out code in a program, that is why I mentioned using Repeat 0 to simulate it.


'Repeat X times' means run the following actions (up to the end or up to then next Repeat) X times. For 'Repeat 0' this means run them 0 times.

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