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What are all these Store Nodes


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 I have done a poor job of explaining my Video production on building a polyglot node servers of which we created BASpi_Garage_Doors.

This is an overview of what will be out hopefully at the end from me today May 6th 2021, then on the store shortly after.

First off I made some mistakes creating this. Number one the name is too long and the poly would not load, also while trying to fix it I broke it so it will not show UNINSTALL or  UPDATE on the store if loaded, I appologize.
I am rebuilding this and the original will be removed with instructions on how to remove the old one will be included here, https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-poly-baspi6u6r-garage-door-master.

 Now I am talking about the Node Server I am testing an IOS app Javier is building for local control and you are going to LOVE IT, outside of configuration I think I will be monitoring and overriding all of my equipment with this great new tool.

 Video on the RPi using VLC media player to http output, then use VNC viewer to send it out locally and or with an account to you can access it from anywhere. Now this is separate from ISY no video piped through however each controller BASpi-6U6R or 6U4R2AO can be used for a local camera, 4 if you want to use all the USB inputs.

I will try not to ignore all of you in the future on what I release as I am also still learning and have a long way to go!

Cheers as in good tidings and I hope I am putting this up so you'll can see it.


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