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Elk Module Status


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First off, happy turkey day everyone. I just wanted to ping you guys about the Elk Module. I believe we were expecting it to drop soon. Are you still on track? Any chance we can get integrated with our Elk M1's before year end?


I'm chomping at the bit here!


Thanks, guys.

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Hi brad77,


We ARE working on it as we speak. The plan is to have an official release (2.7.7) and then the ELK module would be part of a subsequent Alpha/Beta (2.7.8). I am not sure if we can meet the year-end date mostly due to the holiday schedules and vacations!


With kind regards,




First off, happy turkey day everyone. I just wanted to ping you guys about the Elk Module. I believe we were expecting it to drop soon. Are you still on track? Any chance we can get integrated with our Elk M1's before year end?


I'm chomping at the bit here!


Thanks, guys.

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  • 1 month later...

Bump. I know you guys are busy but this Elk module is kind of a "missing link" thing for my setup. I'd like to be able to tailor my ISY's behavior based on armed/alarm/zone status. I'd LOVE to be able to use it to make my ISY presence aware (use arm/disarm status to determine whether or not someone is home).

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might be too much to ask, but it would be nice if would also integrate the status of zones (front door open, garage door open) in addition to remote temperature probes.

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