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Insteon Circuit with 2 Switches

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I have been using Insteon controls for over 1-year.  Integrated into the ISY  late last year.  I have never setup 3-way circuits on Insteon.  I only conquered FanLinc and the associated 6 button switch, which was a learning curve.

I tried a simple 2 switch setup.  Using the Insteon SwitchLinc I setup one line box and one load box for a 2-way circuit.

I got to the point in the instructions where: "SwitchLincs and connected load will turn on (only SwitchLinc in Box 2 will operate load)."  This is exactly where I got to, Box 2 operated the switch and Box 1 only energized when the Box 2 was on.  If I used Box 1 to turn off the light Box 1 would not operated to turn on.  Only if I switched Box 2 on.

From here I moved into the ISY.  I tried every configuration I could try and tried to do an extensive search online for this problem,

I went over and over the wiring.  I setup and re-setup the scene.  Making the recommended controller vs responder settings.  Nothing I could do would change how either switch would work.  I could never get Box 1 to sync with Box 2.

I did not try, using a different switch, reversing Box 1 and Box 2.

I tried to research this on my own but to no avail.  Any assistance or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you.


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Effectively you're asking how to make a 3-way switch setup with ISY and Insteon, so that when one switch is turn on the LED indicators on the other follows.

This is very easy to do with the ISY.  Create a scene, add both Insteon devices as a controller.  Boom you should be done.

If that's not working for you, Start over, delete the devices and scene from the ISY, then Factory reset both switches (pull out the air gap/programming button, wait 10 seconds, press in and HOLD until the beep stops or ends, then release).  Create a scene, add both Insteon devices as a controller.  Boom you should be done.

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On 6/19/2021 at 9:21 AM, MrBill said:

Effectively you're asking how to make a 3-way switch setup with ISY and Insteon, so that when one switch is turn on the LED indicators on the other follows.

This is very easy to do with the ISY.  Create a scene, add both Insteon devices as a controller.  Boom you should be done.

If that's not working for you, Start over, delete the devices and scene from the ISY, then Factory reset both switches (pull out the air gap/programming button, wait 10 seconds, press in and HOLD until the beep stops or ends, then release).  Create a scene, add both Insteon devices as a controller.  Boom you should be done.

Dr. Mr. Bill

I tried your suggestion and it did not resolve the issue.  I went back and reviewed all the connection.  I then changed the wiring of Box 1 and made it Box 2 and Box 2 to Box 1 wiring.  I used the wiring diagram in the SwitchLinc online instructions.  That seemed to the solve the problem.  I do not know why it solved the problem as the Insteon Instructions did not specify which Box should be wired Box 1 or Box 2.  Thanks for your help.


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There are more than one way to wire a three way switch in a home.

Depending on where the load and line are connected. Along with the traveler wires between the two switch locations. So tracing the connections is sometimes needed.

Good you where able to wire it from the diagram in the manual. Not all setups could be wired like in the manual.

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14 hours ago, DSchaffer said:

I tried your suggestion and it did not resolve the issue.  I went back and reviewed all the connection.  I then changed the wiring of Box 1 and made it Box 2 and Box 2 to Box 1 wiring.  I used the wiring diagram in the SwitchLinc online instructions.  That seemed to the solve the problem.  I do not know why it solved the problem as the Insteon Instructions did not specify which Box should be wired Box 1 or Box 2.  Thanks for your help.

Happy to hear you got it working, not completely sure what you did but it works!

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