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ELK rules problem


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I'm posting this just to see if anyone here has noticed similar behavior from their ELK/ISY systems.


I've been working with getting my ELK and ISY to play nice for a while when arming/disarming the alarm system and after looking at the ISY log, I think I have found a bug in the ELK system. I'm putting in a email to ELK's tech support but I just wanted to know if I'm the only one.


The cliff notes version is this: When the ELK system is being armed, it is triggering rules that are to be run when the ELK is disarmed.


I have my rules set up so that when the ELK is armed to night mode, it should turn scene A on. When the ELK is disarmed, it should turn scene B off. The ISY log says that when the ELK is being armed to night mode, it is actually turning scene B off as if the system were being disarmed.

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Hummm. I have not seen this behavior. I have several Elk rules that run when the system is armed and disarmed (arming/disarming other areas, turning on/off lights, etc.) The only thing I can immediately think of is an indexing mismatch between the ISY and the imported lighting file. Perhaps you can post some of your rules that you do not think are working correctly.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a follow-up to this. I've been troubleshooting a lot of my lighting issues lately and after getting my PLM replaced and getting all my switches back online, I finally got around to troubleshooting this issue that I had reported previously.


The problem comes if an ELK zone is violated (unsecure) when the system is being armed. When this occurs, the ELK will send commands as if the system were being armed and then immediately being disarmed. This problem only occurs when the zone being violated is NOT set up as a force armable zone.


The problem is that most motion sensors would not be set up as force armable and therefore if you trigger one when you are setting your system to, say night mode, then the system will send the commands you have it set up to send for arming the system, and then it will send the commands you have it set up to send when it is disarmed.


I've talked with the guys at ELK and they are aware of this situation. The workaround for now is to go in and change those zones to force armable in the ELK-RP software.


BTW, I'm running the ELK firmware that just came out a few days ago. I believe it is 4.5.24

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