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Weather Display Poly Node


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I have been using the Weather Display Poly for a couple of months now with no issue. Suddenly, I am not able to get data from my Weather Display software. I have checked my settings in case anything might have changed and all is good. The Polisy Pro indicates that I am connected to the Weather Display Software. The Weather display software seems to be functioning properly because it accurately uploads weather data to Wunderground. I went ahead and uninstalled the Weather Display Polisy node and reinstalled it. I once again checked the settings and all seems fine. The Polisy Pro indicates that I am connected to Weather Display software but all of the values are 0.

I have an ISY 994i running firmware 5.3.0. I have a Polisy Pro but not sure of the version software I am using. It is only a couple of months old. (I am away on business and cannot get to the device to check)

Any suggestions of where to look when I get home?

Thank you,


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Node servers log a fair amount of information while operating so the first step is to check to log from the Polyglot dashboard to see if it provides any indication of may be happening.

The most likely case is that Weather Display is now sending something that the node server doesn't know how to handle and causes it to crash.  If that's the case, and we can determine what it's sending that isn't being handled right, I can fix the node server to handle it.

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You can post the log or pm it to me.  

I suspect that there'll be an error message of some sort with a stack trace that points to where in the code it crashed. 

If it's getting data from WeatherDisplay, it should output a message "Counter: 30" every 30 seconds.  Otherwise there should just be some messages with status of the initialization when it starts up.

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