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Elk Carbon Monoxide alarm not detected by Elk Node server?


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I have a PG3 elk Node server 3.1.2 running with IoP 5.4.0 . I am testing with the elk security controller set to disarmed. I have CO detectors tied into an Elk wireless zone that is elk definition 17=Carbon_Monoxide and Elk type 0=EOL_Hardwire_Wireless . When I test the CO sensor on that zone, the Elk security controller correctly detects the sensor is violated, and takes the actions defined for a CO alarm.  The corresponding elk Node server zone does not show any change, it remains as shown in the attached picture.  Also, the elk Node server area alarm status does not change to "Carbon Monoxide Alarm".   


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That's odd if it's not changing status in the AC, I see both cases coming in these log lines

2022-03-06 15:47:01,324 Thread-3   udi_interface      INFO     BaseNode:set_driver: main CO mstr hal:zone_31: set_driver(GV0,3) 'Physical Status' = 'SHORT'
2022-03-06 15:47:01,454 Thread-3   udi_interface      INFO     BaseNode:set_driver: main CO mstr hal:zone_31: set_driver(GV0,2) 'Physical Status' = 'EOL'

And I see those values being pushed to PG3 which should get there and then pushed to the ISY.  But this was just a log, not a log package so it doesn't contain the PG3 log.

But, there are some errors in other areas of the log where it's trying to set alarm_state to a semicolon, which I don't understand, I'll need to read the ELK docs again to see how that can happen.  It's causing this error in the log:

2022-03-06 15:47:01,440 Thread-3   udi_interface      INFO     Area:callback: area_1:Area 1: cs={'alarm_state': ';', 'alarm_memory': '1', 'arm_up_state': '0'}
2022-03-06 15:47:01,440 Thread-3   udi_interface      INFO     Area:set_alarm_state: area_1:Area 1: ;
2022-03-06 15:47:01,441 Thread-3   elkm1_lib.elk      ERROR    elk:_got_data: Invalid message '1EAS0000000001111111;00000000004'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/elkm1_lib/message.py", line 67, in decode
    self.call_handlers(cmd, decoder(msg))
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/elkm1_lib/message.py", line 55, in call_handlers
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/elkm1_lib/areas.py", line 80, in _as_handler
    area.setattr("alarm_state", alarm_states[area.index], True)
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/elkm1_lib/elements.py", line 56, in setattr
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/elkm1_lib/elements.py", line 45, in _call_callbacks
    callback(self, self._changeset)
  File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/00:0d:b9:53:c6:f0_4/nodes/Area.py", line 88, in callback
  File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/00:0d:b9:53:c6:f0_4/nodes/Area.py", line 171, in set_alarm_state
    val = self.elk.alarm_state if val is None else int(val)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ';'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:


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On 3/6/2022 at 6:06 PM, JimboAutomates said:

I've got a new version ready, but looks like the PG3 store is broken and I can't upload it currently.


I see the Node server store is reporting 3.1.3 is available. For my existing 3.1.2 instance, I tried both a restart, as well as a stop followed by a start, and in both cases the version reported is still 3.1.2 (I tried refreshing the web browser to be sure that was not the issue.) 

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1 hour ago, wmcneil said:

I see the Node server store is reporting 3.1.3 is available. For my existing 3.1.2 instance, I tried both a restart, as well as a stop followed by a start, and in both cases the version reported is still 3.1.2 (I tried refreshing the web browser to be sure that was not the issue.) 

Yes, the new version is there, but the store is having issues while he is working on getting production, non-production, and local stores all working properly. That's the struggle with using Alpha versions :)  Hopefully will get straightened out today.

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6 hours ago, JimboAutomates said:

Yes, the new version is there, but the store is having issues while he is working on getting production, non-production, and local stores all working properly. That's the struggle with using Alpha versions :)  Hopefully will get straightened out today.

Yes, I understand debug takes some time. I'll try out 3.1.3 when it becomes available.

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