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No time to work on Agave any longer.

James Peterson

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I have been very busy in recent years.  I have not had much time to put towards Agave.  I have been going back and forth as to what to do.  I have had so many loyal users over the years, but with the increase in use of Google and other home assistants, I have seen almost a complete drop in income from Agave and I can not afford to dedicate much time to it any longer.  My only thoughts are to open the app and allow all features as free and support bugs as they come in when I can.  I am open to opinions, but I do not see much of an other option.   I apologize to anyone that feels that they paid for something that is now going to be free.  The available technologies have changed greatly in the last 5-10 years and I can not keep up without being able to dedicate my time.  

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I totally understand. Agave was a god send in it's early days, but life changes and we as individuals all need to adapt. As a paying customer. I have no objections to Agave becoming free. Again thank you for a great app!


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I paid for Agave's lifetime pass and felt I got my money's worth. With the rise of UD Mobile, I have moved on.

As for future? Rather than open it up, is there a way to continue to bug squash only for current users? I really think rather than open it up and add non-paying new users, instead point them to UD Mobile. My two cents.

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