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IOLinc Sensor Status not reported after upgrade from 4.9 to 5.3.4

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Yesterday I upgraded my ISY 994i Pro from firmware 4.9 to 5.3.4.  Mostly it went okay.  I had to disable programs that were previously disabled as noted in other threads.  But programs using my motion sensors and IOLincs stopped working.  Haven't worked on the motion sensors yet, but their sensed motion doesn't seem to show up.

The IOLincs I can't get to work.  I've deleted them from my devices, factory reset them, and added them back.  They appeared to link fine.  From the console I can talk to them as I've tied the relay to the contact sensor, reversed the trigger, and monitoring the LED on the device that all seems to work.  What doesn't work is the contact status of the sensor doesn't appear in the ISY Console.  This all worked fine before I upgraded.  These autodiscovered very quickly.  They are (2450) IOLinc v.36.  

I've searched the forum and haven't found discussions of similar loss of IOLinc sensor status.  So I'm stumped.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


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@Tmcdo you have little green 1011 icons on your device tree?  If so that's why your wireless devices are error-ing out.

If you have the pro version of the admin console press the last button on the ribbon that looks like a battery: image.png.9424efa1f3cecc632aa8bc7402677b0d.png to make it grey or deselected.

then put each motion sensor into set mode one at a time, and right click it in the admin console and select "Write updates to Device".

I can't help with IOlincs, I don't have any.

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Thank you both.

Yes, I deleted Java cache and Apps and downloaded the latest Start JNLP file.  So my Console and firmware match, 5.3.4.  For the motion sensors, they didn't have the green 1011 icons, but I put them in set mode and did Write Updates.  Didn't help.  Even put them in set mode, deleted them from ISY, reinstalled them, wrote updates, etc. etc.  All with no effect.  What's odd is the status page is blank, doesn't show any status at all.

I wonder if I don't have the correct firmware?  From the forum ISY 994i Current Release Thread I downloaded "ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support".  I don't have Z-wave, but the only other choice says for non PLM.  I have a PLM.  I didn't unzip the file to install, just selected the .zip file.  Maybe I'll try downloading again and install again.

Thanks for your help!

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This morning I followed the instructions in:

5.3.4 (Update) for ISY994 (July 30, 2021)

By Chris Jahn,
July 30, 2021 in Current Release Announcements

to perform the manual upgrade again.  Cleared Java cache and Apps and all that stuff.

Didn't seem to change anything.  Only difference was my userid and password were not reset and my programs were intact.

Performed a factory reset on the Motion Detector, removed from ISY, reinstalled, did Write to device.  I'm exhausted.

Issues are:
1. IOLinc Status not reported (ie no change on ISY console Status even though device LED follows contact physical open/close).  IOLinc #2450.
2. Motion Detector Status not reported (ie blank Status on ISY console even though LED on sensor blinks with motion).  Motion Sensor 2842-222.

Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance,


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18 minutes ago, Tmc said:

This morning I followed the instructions in:

5.3.4 (Update) for ISY994 (July 30, 2021)

By Chris Jahn,
July 30, 2021 in Current Release Announcements

to perform the manual upgrade again.  Cleared Java cache and Apps and all that stuff.

Didn't seem to change anything.  Only difference was my userid and password were not reset and my programs were intact.

Performed a factory reset on the Motion Detector, removed from ISY, reinstalled, did Write to device.  I'm exhausted.

Issues are:
1. IOLinc Status not reported (ie no change on ISY console Status even though device LED follows contact physical open/close).  IOLinc #2450.
2. Motion Detector Status not reported (ie blank Status on ISY console even though LED on sensor blinks with motion).  Motion Sensor 2842-222.

Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance,


Open the event viewer to level 3, and then cause motion.  What's in the event viewer?

Apprently the devices are talking if you were able to delete and re-add them.

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MrBill:  Open the event viewer to level 3, and then cause motion.  What's in the event viewer?

On a quick test nothing appeared in the event viewer.

Unfortunately I have to set this aside for a while.  Will try that some more later today hopefully.



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2 hours ago, Tmc said:

MrBill:  Open the event viewer to level 3, and then cause motion.  What's in the event viewer?

On a quick test nothing appeared in the event viewer.

Unfortunately I have to set this aside for a while.  Will try that some more later today hopefully.

It's odd that you can add the device to the ISY, it must communicate to do that, but then it doesn't sense motion.  We must remember tho that motion transmissions are only sent on an interval so as to preserve battery life.


Also to get the forum to flag someone use @ and their name and then select them from the popup list with the mouse or down arrow key.  @Tmc so that it forms a badge.



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IOLincs are plug-in Modules.

Did the Restore and it seemed to work as shown in the Event Viewer.  But activation of the contacts afterward did not produce any captured events.  Matter of fact, no events show up unless they're ISY sourced.

2022-05-02 Event Viewer Restoriing IOLinc and no activity After.png

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Did you try connecting a wire between the S and GND terminals. To rule out the connected sensor.

That unit has a poorly designed Sensing circuit and the Sense LED can glow and the input did not get pulled low enough to be sensed electrically.

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I was refering to your statement:

35 minutes ago, Techman said:

The IOLinc is a hardwired device and should report status when its status changes.

the IOLinc is not hardwired, but it is single band.

Motion sensors aren't hardwired either.  In fact what Insteon device is?

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@Brian H  Thanks for the suggestion, but I can see the LED turn on and off with closure and Opening of the contacts.  The Mag Contact sensor wired to the IOLinc is on the door so easy to open/close door to test.  The IOLinc was reporting status just fine for years until I upgraded from firmware 4.9 to 5.3.4 yesterday.


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@Techman  I have the IOLinc Option set for the Relay to track the contact state.  I can here the relay toggle with opening and closing the door.  In the ISY console neither the IOLinc Sensor or Relay show any change of state.

Having said that, my Event Viewer doesn't seem to show any communications from any device in my house.  Standard SwitchLinc Dimmers don't show up when activated.  Is there some setting In the ISY firmware that got changed when I upgraded?

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31 minutes ago, Tmc said:

@Techman  I have the IOLinc Option set for the Relay to track the contact state.  I can here the relay toggle with opening and closing the door.  In the ISY console neither the IOLinc Sensor or Relay show any change of state.

Having said that, my Event Viewer doesn't seem to show any communications from any device in my house.  Standard SwitchLinc Dimmers don't show up when activated.  Is there some setting In the ISY firmware that got changed when I upgraded?

The only time I've seen anything similar is if the UI didn't match the ISY firmware. Have you tried rebooting the ISY?


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@Techman  Hadn't tried rebooting, don't know why I didn't think of that.  Since I have the Serial PLM that powers the ISY I figured I could reboot by unplugging the PLM, wait a little while, then plug it back in.

OMG!!  That fixed it!  Now I'm getting tons of stuff in my Event Viewer.  My IOLincs are working right!  My Motion Detectors are working!


Seriously, Thank you for the help.  All of you!


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1 hour ago, Tmc said:

@Techman  Hadn't tried rebooting, don't know why I didn't think of that.  Since I have the Serial PLM that powers the ISY I figured I could reboot by unplugging the PLM, wait a little while, then plug it back in.

OMG!!  That fixed it!  Now I'm getting tons of stuff in my Event Viewer.  My IOLincs are working right!  My Motion Detectors are working!


Seriously, Thank you for the help.  All of you!


Glad to hear all is resolved, now you can have a good nights sleep!

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