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KeypadLinc and Scenes


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I wondering what the "best practice" is for setting KPL sub-buttons to control scenes. Should they be in toggle or non-toggle mode? When I was using HouseLinc desktop, I set them in non-toggle mode because if in toggle mode their on/off indicators never correctly followed whether a scene was "on" or "off". The problem with this configuration is that the button lights had to be in the "on" position if you wanted that button to turn on any lights and other controlling KPL buttons.


With ISY, can the KPL buttons be in toggle mode and correctly indicate whether or not a scene is "on". In other words if after activating a scence you change the status of any device within that scene, the KPL scene-button turns off? How is this accomplished?


Alternatively, can the KPL buttons be in non-toggle mode and in the "off" position and still turn devices AND other KPL buttons ON?




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The LED for the KPLs does follow the scene correctly with the ISY or even without it plugged in after you link it with the ISY. The somehow made it work correctly.


And for when adjusting lights that are in that scene you can write a program that monitors all the divices in that scene then adjust the LED with a follow scene. A good example is the all lights program found here.

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