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Nearly Everything is Out of Stock


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Fresh on the heels of the collapse of Insteon, I'm seeing most product lines at Universal Devices store marked out of stock.

I really need to add Zwave to something like my existing ISY994i, which I love.

But the Zwave module is out of stock.

I could get a Polisy with a Zwave stick, but the Zwave stick is out of stock.

This doesn't look good.  Can someone tell me what expectations are?  I really like the ISY994i better than anything I'd seen before, and I would assume Polisy would be better, but it's hardly worth the effort and expense if I can't add anything but more Insteon, which is getting very expensive on the used market.  My PLM works fine for now.

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I'm not sure where you're looking but you might want to check out the UDI store. UDI has both the Polisy and the Zooz z-wave stick available for sale. That being said, Michel announced last week that UDI was changing direction with regards to z-wave and will be selling in the June time frame a z-wave module + matter that will work with the Polisy.

If you need z-wave right now. spend the $26 dollars and get a Zooz z-stick. If you can wait a few months. then grab a Polisy now, start to get acquainted with it and all it's great features, then when the z-wave / matter card is available buy one and install it into your Polisy.

UDI Store


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That's where I'm checking.  If you select the Zooz Z-wave stick it will say "1 left in stock."  But then in the checkout page it tells you that it is out of stock.  That was exactly what I did, then cancelled order.

Could I simply use any good Z-wave stick with the Polisy or is there some reason I'm bound to the one for sale here?

Is the low stock (only 6 Polisy left also) just a temporary thing...unlike what seemed to happen with Insteon?


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I was able to get as far as the payment page for the Polisy, so I am assuming the Polisy is in stock. However the z-stick seems to be unavailable from UDI. But it is available from Amazon. Zooz Z-stick

It's the same stick UDI sells, but just a little higher price. UDI was offering them at a discount.

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you might email sales@universal-devices.com and get the exact answer.  Who knows, they could be expecting more z-wave sticks to be in stock in the next day or two.

Michel's announcement also said that anyone that had purchased the z-wave stick from UD would get full credit towards the new z-wave+matter when it was available.

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8 hours ago, CPeterson said:

That's where I'm checking.  If you select the Zooz Z-wave stick it will say "1 left in stock."  But then in the checkout page it tells you that it is out of stock.  That was exactly what I did, then cancelled order.

Could I simply use any good Z-wave stick with the Polisy or is there some reason I'm bound to the one for sale here?

Is the low stock (only 6 Polisy left also) just a temporary thing...unlike what seemed to happen with Insteon?


I use a SiLabs 700 USB stick with my polisy. However I haven't done anything serious with it, except test it against a few devices, so far.

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10 hours ago, CPeterson said:

I could get a Polisy with a Zwave stick, but the Zwave stick is out of stock.

It sounds like both the Zooz stick and the SiLabs stick may become second best in a few months.  Michel's announcement indicated that the replacement would be a board inserted into the Polisy, complete with external antenna.  Also, it appears that any Z-Wave 700 stick for your Polisy (if not from UDI) won't have the extended functionality out-of-the-box as the new board for your Polisy.

He did indicate that you should be able to back up your Z-Wave stick and restore your setup to the new board in your Polisy, so you shouldn't have to recreate your Z-Wave setup on the new board (perform the exclude/include ritual) if you need to get after Z-Wave now.

Personally, unless I really needed to commit to Z-Wave right now, I'd wait for the new board (suggested GA in September). Otherwise, I'd buy a Zooz 700 stick from Amazon and use it with my Polisy, expecting to replace it in a few months.  I'd forget all about buying a Z-Wave 500 board and putting it in my ISY994 - both devices are now depreciated.

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16 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

Otherwise, I'd buy a Zooz 700 stick from Amazon and use it with my Polisy, expecting to replace it in a few months.

I'd still recommend (as I did above) checking with sales@universal-devices regarding when they expect the zooz board to be back on stock before going to Amazon at a slightly higher cost.   The reason is #4 in Michel's announcement message:


On 5/22/2022 at 1:20 PM, Michel Kohanim said:

Hello everyone,

This is 100% our fault and it shall be rectified:

1. We are working on a combined Z-Wave/Matter board that gets installed inside + antennas coming out from the sides:
- It will be field upgradable (so you won't need Studio etc.)
- Z-Wave will have many diagnostics features + S2 
2. We will have a utility that will backup your Zooz dongle:
3. You can restore the Zooz backup into the new dongle
4. For those who purchased Zooz from us, the total cost of the Zooz dongle will be discounted from the new dongle 

Currently, we are shooting for end of June for testing and mid September for GA.

With kind regards,


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9 minutes ago, ryarber said:

So, this new board won’t be coming to the ISY-994 I assume. 

No, Polisy only.

994 development has ceased.  The firmware will be maintained for a long time to come, but only as maintenance releases-- no new features, no need hardware.

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7 minutes ago, ryarber said:

So, this new board won’t be coming to the ISY-994 I assume. 

The ISY will continue to work as is, but my understanding is that any improvements will be on the Polisy, so the short answer is 'most likely not'.

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9 hours ago, ryarber said:

hopefully the polyglot cloud will be up and running soon

It's doubtful that "soon" will be achieved. If memory serves there were posts made around the time of shutting PGC off that it had to be completely rewritten. I think most, if not all, the node servers that could work have been ported to PG3. If not released yet, one is probably in the works. Perhaps the biggest unknown is the Ring node server; comments have been made about how the Ring side has stalled any development progression.

The PGC section of the forums has a list of node servers that were available prior to it shutting down. Compare that to the list of PG3 forums to see if what you're using is available. (there might be a few forums not yet created...I need to review that list soon and add them.)

But based on posts here development is currently focused on Polisy (PG3) and ISY on Polisy. These are the UD offerings of the future.


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10 minutes ago, Geddy said:

Perhaps the biggest unknown is the Ring node server; comments have been made about how the Ring side has stalled any development progression.

For motion detection, there's currently a way around whatever requirements Ring has imposed on UDI, and it can be found in this post:


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