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cannot downgrade firmware from 5.3.0 back to 5.0.16


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well I did a bad thing and upgraded to 5.3.0 not paying attention, not knowing what zwave I had.  Anyway now I cannot get the old firmware to load.  Tried just about everything.   

Is there a way to load directly on the sim card?

Also I have to connect via the cloud admin since I cannot get the 5.3.0 admin console to load.  Only loads the 5.0.16.  Yes cleared cache.  actually got a fresh windows machine and tried with it only to fail.


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Downgrade is no different that upgrade, you simply download the correct file and upload it to the ISY via the admin console using "Help > Manually Upgrade ISY"

First lets confirm you have a 300 series z-wave board.  Look at the back of your ISY, shine the flashlight from your phone (or other bright light) at the area adjacent to port A.  Do you see a round blue LED?  If yes, that is a 300 series board and you will need to downgrade to 5.0.16C.  If not, then you have a different problem.

so given that the downgrade of firmware isn't a difficult process what we must concentrate on is why you can't open the admin console.  I'm confused by your last paragraph.

4 hours ago, craigutah said:

Also I have to connect via the cloud admin since I cannot get the 5.3.0 admin console to load.  Only loads the 5.0.16.  Yes cleared cache.  actually got a fresh windows machine and tried with it only to fail.

If you can get the 5.0.16 admin console open you should be able to get the firmware updowngraded.

Exactly what is showing for versions at Help > About?  5.0.16 does have 3 or 4 versions historically (no letter, A, B, and C-- I believe on C is available for download now tho).

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Morning,  Thanks for the quick reply.   It was a bit early this morning that I posted so sorry for the confusion.   

I woke up this morning and tried to do the downgrade from the portal and applied the 4.9.0 version since the 5.0.16c version isn't listed.  It actually worked!  I then ran admin launcher and it told me that it wasn't compatible with 5.0.16 admin do you want to upgrade?   I said yes!   It upgraded to 5.0.16!   I then restored my backup and I hope all is good again.

Yes I was running 5.0.16c before I attempted the upgrade device from portal.   Yes, it appears that I do have the 300 series board :(.  


Just to understand,  I am stuck here with this version?  I have to purchase a new hardware, polsy I believe, to upgrade?   It appears that the upgrade to a new hardware is ZWave compatible even though it still states testing? 

Kinda sad since I have homekit and other things working.  


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only sales@universal-devices.com could tell you whether the 500 series 994 board will ever be in stock again.  (I don't know how many they have to order at a time, but if they have to buy a larger rather than smaller qty I doubt they will).

other than that, yes 994 development has ceased.  there will be no new anything hardware or software.  They will as they have done with version 4 issue maintenance releases to the firmware as demands require (things like DST changes, expired certificates, default mail server changes, etc)... but the 994 is at End of Life and won't get anything new...

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