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PG3 v3.0.63 - OUTDATED


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Hello all,

We are very happy to introduce PG3 v3.0.63 which is the first production release of PG3. 

To use the latest version of PG3, you should also be running the latest version of IOP.  Follow the instructions in the IOP release announcement to upgrade IOP to the latest version.

To upgrade PG3:

- In the Admin Console, click on Configuration, Upgrade Packages.  After the upgrade is complete you will need to restart PG3. From PG3 select System-> Restart Polyglot 3


Bug fixes:

  • None (This version is identical to release candidate #2 (v3.0.62)


  • Updated to work with Node.js version 18.2 (latest version).  Make sure you have (or will have as part of the upgrade) Node.js 18.2

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