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Programming--Motion Detector--Advanced


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I've had my ISY-99 for less than a week, and love it. I am working on a program, and wanted to see what you guys thought, or if you had any suggestions for doing something different.


Basically, I got a motion detector when they first came out, and it's sat in the box until now. I find that I am able to make it way more usable using programming, than as it ever was stand alone (in fact, it was so annoying in stand alone mode, that is what made me put it back in the box).


So, what I'm doing with this motion detector, is I have it mounted in my office. I want it to control the office light when it sees motion, and then turn it off after 10 minutes of no motion, of course, only when it senses darkness (notice, I did not want to use sunset, because it can be dark in this room, if the shutters are closed, or if it is stormy outside).


Secondly, the low battery warning feature is kind of nice, so I have a program that will send me an e-mail when it gets low (that I will use for all motion detectors, when I get more), but I also thought it would be neat to have a visual indication for the particular light it was controlling, so I wouldn't have to rely on an e-mail.


So, what do you guys think? Any way to combine Study Motion and Study Motion Battery?







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Okay, this isn't working. The light keeps going off/on randomly. I think since the sensor is in the same room, when the light comes on, the Dusk/Daw is getting confused. When the room is dark for 3.5 minutes, that statement goes true, then the light comes on, and 3.5 minutes later, the statement is false, and then 10 minutes later, my light goes out...


Going to have to think about this one a little longer.

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I noticed the newest (rev2) ms dusk/dawn will not change status until the ms is off for 3-5 minutes. So the light turned on via the ms will not affect the d/d operation.


I cannot think of a way, even thru the use of programs, which would not affect your set up, one way or another. If the lite is on, your ms d/d will turn dawn on. Once the ms turns off it wont turn back on via motion until the d/d is back to dusk.


Sorry I couldn't help more.



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It appears you have identified a problem with your light fooling your dusk/dawn sensor. When it does, the program conditions change and it stops.


I don't yet use insteon motion sensors, but do you have the option to use "control" versus status? I suspect this could cause you problems in this application, as well.


I am wondering if first creating a dusk/dawn program with nothing more than:


If control "study motion-dusk/dawn" is turned on




Modify your "study motion" program to read


if control "study motion-sensor" is turned on

and program "dusk/dawn" is true


then set scene "study Lights.Scene" on

wait 10 minutes

set "study lights/scene" off




This still may suffer the problem with your study lights changing your input conditions before your 10 minutes.


I wonder if you will also have to change your battery program condition from status to control.

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