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Integration with 2gig gc2/alarm.com system

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I am trying to integrate my ISY994i ZW Plus with an alarm.com based 2GIG gc2 alarm system. I want to integrate because I want the ISY to know the arming state of the system. The ISY_ZWave user guide is pretty good on what to do. Unfortunately it defers to the "other" controller for how to accomplish that device's part of the process.

I followed the instructions on adding the ISY to an existing network and I believe I have added the ISY controller to the 2GIG controller--the process went to conclusion on both devices and I have a ZW 001 PC Controller Item under the My ISY node. This node is empty. On the 2GIG side I do not see the ISY at all.

Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Did you join the Z-Wave network as a secondary controller on your ISY?(asking to help clarify for someone that may know more than me.

I have a Qolsys with Alarm.com, and joined as a secondary controller.  It took several tries and both had to be really close to get the other Z-Wave devices to show.  Really close as in 15 ft.

I dont know a lot about the Primary/Secondary controller relationship...but it was a pain.  I never could see Arm/Disarm status, and didn't really expect too as I think of the Z-Wave side of my Qolsys as different than the alarm functions since they are 2 separate protocols..  I could see Z-Wave device status, but not in real time since it was the secondary controller.  I had to query the primary for updates. 

There is an integration on Home Assistant, but its custom and uses MQTT, but I couldn't get that going with my HA either.

I'm hoping someone here knows of a way to do this too....

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I did manage to get the alarm.com z wave devices to show on the ISY. It took an ISY  "synchronize nodes" to do so. The ISY does not appear in the Alarm.com software so I can't do anything on that side. This meant that I could not make the ISY the primary controller which for me is a deal stopper. Can't add/remove devices with the ISY and have to poll the Alarm.com devices because there the ISY does not get state change notifications.

I have given up. I only want to know when the system is armed anyway. I intend to build a bit of bridging hardware so that when the system arms and "turns on" the z wave device it will close a contact wired to an Insteon IOLinc. I am waiting for the relay which should come next week.

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