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Power Outage -- Polisy sort of offline


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Has a series of power outages.  It appears my Polisy is now only partially functional.

My system was last modified about 2 years ago.  

I am running a ISY994i/IR PRO V5.3.0

The Polisy boots, shows up in my DHCP list and I can SSH into it. 

It reports FreeBSD polisy 12.2-RELEASE-p6 r369564

So apparently I should be upgrading, but the question is why did it stop working?

My ISY reports that the Hue Bridge (which is why I got the Polisy) is Connected=True, whatever that means.

Any attempt to connect to the Polisy from a browser results in Connection Refused

the ISY launcher shows no Polisy, and does not have any Polyglot options on it.  trying to add it fails.



Any idea what happened here, and how to fix it so I can actually turn the lights in my kitchen on?

the Polisy apprears to still have polyglot running...  



none of the log files seem to show anything interesting.  Polyglot continues to show some execution going on.




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