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WAIT statement in program

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Hello, I have the following simple program to change a variable with a timeout.  The initial value is set to 0.  The IF statement works and the variable changes to 1 as expected when sensor is ON.  However, it never changed back to 0 again.  Hope someone can point me to the right direction for troubleshooting.  Thanks in advance.

        'Lower Level / Family Room / Family Room Motion Sensor / ZW 018 Motion Sensor 1' Status is On
        $FR_Motion  = 1
        Wait  10 minutes
        $FR_Motion  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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the wait ends when the IF statement retriggers, you need two programs:

        'Lower Level / Family Room / Family Room Motion Sensor / ZW 018 Motion Sensor 1' Status is On

       Run Program2 (then)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




        Disable Program1
        $FR_Motion  = 1
        Wait  10 minutes
        $FR_Motion  = 0
        enable program1


that said I'd suggest posting about what you're trying to actually accomplish, because you probably don't need the variable at all.
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Edited by MrBill
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Thanks MrBill.  Your suggestion works.  What I tried to accomplish should be straight forward if I can customize the timeout on the motion sensor itself.  My intent is when sensor is triggered, the aquarium air pump will stop for 10 minutes.  Then it will turn back on when sensor is OFF.

The sensor is a Zooz ZSE40 with the 500 series chip.  My ISY994i is running 5.0.14 firmware which is not upgradable due to hardware limitation.  I think the ZSE40 and the ISY is not fully compatible, hence no parameters of the sensor is presented for adjustment.  Just trying to put together some programs as workaround ...

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  • Solution
1 hour ago, kchau said:

I think the ZSE40 and the ISY is not fully compatible, hence no parameters of the sensor is presented for adjustment.

The parameters can be updated using the Notify Sensor node that was created when the device was added (I have a 700 series ZSE40, so it is possible that node may not be created on 500 series).  Or right click a node and select Z-wave -> Set Configuration Parameter.

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2 hours ago, kchau said:

My ISY994i is running 5.0.14 firmware which is not upgradable due to hardware limitation.

This statement is incorrect.  You should upgrade the firmware to v5.3.4.   300 Series z-wave does have a firmware limitation, but that is 5.0.16C. 

You don't need the variable either:

        'Lower Level / Family Room / Family Room Motion Sensor / ZW 018 Motion Sensor 1' Status is On

       Run Program2 (then)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




        Disable Program1
        Set 'Aquarium Pump' Off
        Wait  10 minutes
        Set 'Aquarium Pump' On
        enable program1

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Thanks again MrBill.  You're right that no variable is needed this way.  My ISY994i is from 2013 which is really old.  I missed the opportunity of replacing a module on the main board when it's still available (probably one or two years ago).  I read at that time further upgrade beyond 5.0.x without the new daughter board is not possible.  Hope I was mistaken (or thing is changed) and any info to confirm would be appreciated.

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What Z-wave version is displayed in the admin console?  (access that from the Z-wave menu on the top line of the admin console.) 

if version 4.55.00 you have a 300 series Z-wave board.  You should upgrade to version 5.0.16C and stop.


if version 6.81.00 you have a 500 series Z-wave board (which is what you said above that you have).  In this case upgrade all the way to 5.3.4.


in any case 5.0.14 is a beta version that’s out of date and should be replaced with either version above.

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Thanks for the info, MrBill.  Mine is 4.55.00, so it's a 300 series Z-wave board.  The ZSE40 is 500 series.  I guess it just happens to be working with the ISY.  Will check out the Polisy which is quite interesting.  Time to upgrade to a newer better box I guess ...

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10 hours ago, kchau said:

Will check out the Polisy which is quite interesting.  Time to upgrade to a newer better box I guess ...

If you are not in a hurry, then consider skipping Polisy and go straight to UD's new box "EISY" (or whatever it will be called) which is supposedly coming out very soon.

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11 hours ago, kchau said:

Thanks for the info, MrBill.  Mine is 4.55.00, so it's a 300 series Z-wave board.  The ZSE40 is 500 series.  I guess it just happens to be working with the ISY.  Will check out the Polisy which is quite interesting.  Time to upgrade to a newer better box I guess ...

You should upgrade to 5.0.16C.  Your 5.0.14 version is a very old beta version (i looked for the release date and couldn't find it), while 5.0.16C is also a beta version is very stable and there were many fixes and improvements between .14 and .16C

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