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How Long To Start?

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When I reboot the Polisy I have a startup program that notifies me the ISY (IoP) has rebooted.  This was so I would know I could long back into the ISY since it too much longer to come back up than the IoP does.  When Gmail worked reliably this was not an issue but now with the node server on PG3 is doing the notifying I have had to add a 5 minute wait because PG3 is not back online soon enough to not have a wait. This was also no an issue with PG2 and maybe even PG3 until recently.  I tried 1 minute and that did not work.  So it is taking somewhere from 1 to 5 minutes for PG3 to come back online after the IoP is running again.  If I login to PG3 itself it will say no ISY found for even longer.  Have not timed that yet but it's definitely longer than it takes for the node servers to be functional.  Do these times seem correct?  Thank you!

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When the Polisy is restarted, both the IoP and PG3 are started at approximately the same time.   One of the first things PG3 does is try to contact the IoP and verify the installed node servers.   Even though the IoP startup is fairly quick, it's still possible that it's not ready when PG3 makes this initial query.  If that happens (and chances are good that it will), PG3 simply continues on and starts starting node servers.  If those node server try to update status on the IoP and the IoP is still not ready, those status updates will also fail.

PG3 does periodically verify the node servers installed on the IoP (every 5 minutes).   So 5 minutes after all that above has happened, PG3 will again try to verify the node servers on IoP and probably succeed.  At this point, everything should be running normally.  

The next version of PG3 will try to mitigate this.  If it fails to connect to the IoP on startup, it will wait until it can connect before it starts the node servers.

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