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PG3 v3.1.6 [edit v3.1.11] - OUTDATED


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Hello all,

We are very happy to introduce PG3 v3.1.6 which is the second production release of PG3. 

To use the latest version of PG3, you should also be running the latest version of IOP.  Follow the instructions in the IOP release announcement to upgrade IOP to the latest version.

To upgrade PG3:

- In the Admin Console, click on Configuration, Upgrade Packages (note, this can take many minutes). 

- After the upgrade is complete you will need to restart PG3. From PG3 select System-> Restart Polyglot 3


  • Fix bug in the developer tools related to adding purchase options.
  • Changed the default logging level from full debug to info (to reduce the size of PG3 log files)
  • Added ability to change PG3 log level at runtime.


  • Fix a bug that prevented PG3 from recognizing subscription licenses for install/re-install


  • Update wording in dialog box displayed when restarting PG3
  • Fix a typo that prevented PG3 from reporting subscription licenses as valid
  • Update node server store info for node servers installed before multiple node server stores existed.


  • Update the PG3 database with license expiration when checking the node server license.


  • Fix bug in developer add new node server form.  If you aren't a node server developer and have already updated to 3.1.6, you do not need to update to 3.1.7.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix case in createHomeDir function
  • Properly handle install of non-free node servers by developers.
  • Rework deploy and extract node server directory creation.
  • Skip pg3 version check on login
  • Fix error message when node server store entry is not found.
  • Make buttons for displaying node server all the same width.
  • Add check for license expired
  • improve upgrade available message
  • Clean up node server validation check messages.
  • Send purchase option edition to node server when starting.
  • re-install only applies to target isy.
  • Wait for store and ISY to finish initializing before starting node servers.
  • Add checkLicense() check when starting node servers.
  • fix issue with install display.
  • Update for node version 18
  • Fix spelling errors
  • Handle installs using new purchase options
  • Migrate node server home directory to not have ':' characters
  • Handle old store records.
  • Simplify what is sent to backend for install
  • Update error messages when checkTransaction fails.
  • Tweak error handling
  • Improve toaster messages to user when sync transactions fails.
  • Handle ISY communication errors better.
  • Handle new style purchase options
  • Improve error message
  • Remove unnecessary import
  • Remove dead code.
  • Trap errors when running the shutdown process.
  • ISY returning no node servers is a warning not an error
  • Fix issue removing node server from cache.
  • Fix expire check poll.
  • Store database primary key now autoincrement
  • Update the store database with new constraint
  • Update store database get() to take both uuid and store.
  • Store record updates now need both uuid and store.


  • Require purchases for free node servers but make the purchase automatic
  • Allow node servers to be re-installed
  • Move purchase options and node server information to a new screen
  • Skip purchasing backend for trial activation.

Node Server Developer Fixes/Enhancements:

  • Allow packages to be uploaded for local store.
  • Adding sales info under developers menu.
  • Add node server delete to developer tools
  • Add developer help section to menu
  • Enhance purchase options; upgrades, multiple editions, etc.
  • Create developer token if needed.
  • Add related node server table to developer edit form
  • Add installation type to install options table
  • Allow the same node server id to exist in different stores so single license can cover node server in non-production and production store
  • Warn user if node server submission may change node server id.
  • trap error if no package file entered.
  • When defaulting edition use price to determine default
  • Allow developer to installed node servers they own and bypass license check
  • Handle typo in payment ref for July 2022.
  • Create purchase options table to allow developer to define the various purchase options and install choices.
  • Notify user of form errors when submit fails.
  • Fix table sorting.
  • Create UUID in edit form before submitting.

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