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Trying to copy 994i NS config to IoP NS config but page won't stay still


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I'm trying to list the configuration of a NS on my 994i in PG3 in one browser (Chrome) to copy/paste the config to same NS on IoP in another browser (Firefox) but things won't stay where they are. i.e. if I change the ISY I point to in PG3 in one browser it changes the page in both browsers. This happens even when I'm using different PCs.

Is there a way to make things stand still (for lack of a better word) in one browser while I load what should be technically a different page in another browser? Or, I guess, is there a way to stop the push to all browsers that seems to happen? Shouldn't each browser (and even browser tab) be it's own special place independent of other browsers (browser tabs?

It's interesting that some things don't change when they should (because of browser caching, I think) but then a page I'm on changes by itself because of something I'm doing in another browser. It's magical but not desirable.



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Unfortunately, that's not the way it was designed.  PG3 holds no state information for the user interface so it has no knowledge of how many browsers are currently connected to it.  When something changes, those changes are pushed to all connected browser clients.

While PG3 can manage node servers on multiple ISY/IoP devices, it can only work with one at time.

Also, for this specific case it may be desirable for it not to do this, for most other cases it would be far worse.  For instance, if you had two browser windows open to the same node server configuration page and you change a configuration parameter on one you'd either be confused or possibly even undo the change if you looked at the other page and it didn't have the correct values for the configuration.

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