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EnvisaLink-HW PG3 Node Server Released


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I have released the PG3 version of the EnvisaLink-HW Node server (v3.0.3).

The EnvisaLink-HW node server provides an interface for the ISY to a Honeywell/Ademco Vista series alarm panel through EnvisaLink™ EVL-3/4 and DUO™ adapters from EyezOn. See http://www.eyezon.com/ for more information on these products.

Installation instructions, release notes, and version history can be found here: https://github.com/Goose66/NSDocs/blob/main/evlvista-pg3.md.

There is a 1-month trial period and then the node server is a one-time purchase at $10.95.

Edited by Goose66
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A new version (v3.1.4) of the EnvisaLink-HW plugin has been released. This version does not add any new Alarm Panel functionality but instead is intended to increase robustness in the plugin itself in addition to providing multiple ways to monitor the plugin, EnvisaLink and Alarm Panel's health. These include:

 - Plugin now sends an AWAKE command to IoX every 3 to 4 minutes as long as it is receiving regular keypad updates from the Vista alarm panel through the EnvisaLink.

- The Alarm Panel node now has the PG3-managed "Plugin Status" status value to indicate if the Plugin is running.

- Malformed (meaning non-compliant to the API) messages from EnvisaLink are ignored instead of causing the listener thread to crash.

- If the listener thread crashes, the node server will shutdown the EnvisaLink connection and attempt to restart everything on the next shortpoll from PG3.

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