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Ambient Weather NS Not Updating to 2.0.7


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I had a notice for the Ambient Weather NS to update to 2.0.7.  I'm on 2.0.6.  After restarting the NS, the version remains 2.0.6(at least according to the NS info).  I've tried this several times with the same results.  The PG3 log for that event is attached.  I'm running PG3 3.1.15.

Can't say if this is limited to this NS.


Ambient Weather Update(25Nov22).rtf

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I finally had another NS ready for update and it updated normally.  Whatever is going on, it must be unique to the Ambient Weather NS.

Once I restart the Ambient Weather NS, the "new version" message goes away.  But when I return the next day to PG3, it's there again.  Just an observation.  Maybe there's a clue there.


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  • 1 month later...

Until we're able to update the Ambient Weather NS with a restart, there is another method you can use to update the NS.  I had to do this with the ELK node server and just completed it with this node server and it worked fine.

1) Go to the Node Server store and select the AmbientWeather button.

2) The next screen with show the latest version.  On the Perpetual line, select the Install button.

3) On the form displayed, look for "AmbientWeather is already installed in slot (your slot number)" and select the "Reinstall here?" button.

4) The latest version will be installed and the NS restarted.  Configuration info is preserved.

Worked for me.  All the data looks good.

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