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Trouble installing on eisy


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@bpwwer If not mistaken you transferred Google Holidays Node Server to PG3.

I tried to add this NS to eisy but when clicking on the Authentication link I systematically get this message :


Access blocked: Holidays Google Node Server’s request is invalid

You can’t sign in because Holidays Google Node Server sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this error
If you are a developer of Holidays Google Node Server, see error details.
Error 400: invalid_request
and the error details :

Error 400: invalid_request

The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked in order to keep users secure. Follow the Out-of-Band (OOB) flow migration guide linked in the developer docs below to migrate your app to an alternative method.
Request details: redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Edited by asbril
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