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Difference between adding or removing a Device

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Hello all:


I asked Michel the following question, and I've included his reply.




Hello Michel:


It seems as though "removing" an Insteon switch or KPL button from a scene (group) is a much more rapid process that adding it. Am I imagining this, or is this really the case?



If this is really so, why would there be a difference? Wouldn't changing a link table require just as much time removing something as adding it.?


Hi Frank!



Yes, removing from scene is much faster than adding to a scene. The reason is this:


Each link record is 8 bytes the first one of which is a flag which describes the role of this link A2 (master), E2 (slave), and 22 (not used)

Adding devices into a scene scans the db and finds the first e2, and writes the whole 8 bytes for every linked device

Removing devices from a scene, scans the db for the link record for that specific scene, updates the first byte to 22, and moves the high watermark



In short for adding to a scene, we have to write 8 bytes, for removing we just update 1 byte and high water mark so you should see an approximately 4 time speed difference between the two operations.



With kind regards,


UDI Tech Support

More information: http://forum.universal-devices.com

Sent by: Michel Kohanim




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